Judge Joe Brown Arrested – His Courtroom Meltdown Lands Him In Jail! (AUDIO)

Judge Joe Brown, who’s quite familiar with the ways of the law, was arrested after exploding in anger at a juvenile court in Memphis. Brown reportedly showed up to court on Monday to rep someone involved in a child support case. Brown was ultimately turned away by people who worked at the courtroom claiming they had no record of the case. Um, whoopsie? Brown allegedly went off on the employees and reports claim that he was both verbally abusive and unresponsive to pleas to calm down.

TMA reports: “We’re told Brown — who is running for D.A. of Shelby County — was “playing to the peanut gallery” and “incited a near riot.” Brown reportedly ignored the judge and was subsequently arrested for contempt of court. Brown was cited for contempt 5 times and ultimately ordered to spend 5 days in jail.  He left under his own power and was screaming the entire time.”

What do you think about Judge Joe landing his rear in court? Five days in jail might not seem like that long — but it’s probably a lot longer than he’s looking to spend in the slammer, especially if he’s running for D.A. Unfortunately for him, with this new little incident on his record, he can probably kiss those future prospects goodbye.

Listen to the audio below if you want a taste of Brown’s antics!

Yellow J:
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