Justin Bieber Gets In Car Crash After Intense Paparazzo Chase – Bieber Escapes Uninjured!

Justin Bieber was involved in a rather crazy paparazzo chase earlier today and, luckily, the little pop star fled the scene unscathed; however, it’s clear that he was a little shaken up. TMZ reports that Bieber was the passenger in an Escalade, which was being closely followed by a paparazzo, who was overly eager to get some pictures of the singer. Reportedly, Bieber’s ride was buzzing down Canon Drive at a very fast speed when a BMW pulled out of Bouchon restaurant. Team Bieber ran into the BMW, which misjudged the Escalade’s speed.

But Team Bieber wasn’t going to let the paparazzo win. Just moments after the crash, Bieber got out of his car and hopped into another car, which quickly sped away. Fortunately, nobody got hurt, and we’re glad to know that everyone’s okay at the moment.

What do you make of this situation? Bieber has been catching a lot of hate lately, primarily for his supposed “bad influence” on Selena Gomez, but does hearing stories like this make you feel kinda bad for the young star? He’s just a young kid trying to live his life. I understand he signed up for this life of a celebrity — but what does a kid have to do to get some privacy around here?

Tell us what you think! We’d love to hear from you!

Image credit to FameFlynet
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