Justin Bieber N-Word Video Racist ‘Joke’ – 15 Year-Old Biebs Exposed (PHOTOS-VIDEO)

Even when Justin Bieber was a 15-year old on the rise in the music business he still was intentionally crossing the line with tasteless moronic behavior. A new video clip has surfaced that apparently was part of the ‘Justin Bieber: Never Say Never’ documentary footage that was filmed for the film that later dropped in 2011. The London Sun was the first to get a hold of the footage that Bieber’s camp had jumped through hoops, including trying to pay $$,  to keep under wraps for years now.

In the video Bieber is seen sitting on a couch with a woman, whose face has been blurred out, when he asks, “Why are black people afraid of chain saw?” A male voice off-camera strongly advises Biebs not to finish the joke but he can’t help himself and seems to love spit out the punchline, “Run n–word, n–word, n–word, n–word, n–word.”

Obviously this footage never made the cut for the documentary as it shows Biebs in an offensive light. What’s interesting to me is the fact that we even care about this video now. Of course it’s inappropriate, but so is just about everything that Bieber has done in the last 18 months, isn’t it? Is it shocking to hear him use the n-word? Not at all. What will be amazing is if this few seconds of footage actually makes a significant impact when every bit of disrespect that Bieber has shown both for authority and people in general seems to have been all but dismissed.

Do you think this will cause a huge controversy or does it register as more of the same crap that we have come to expect from Bieber? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Justin Bieber hangs out with fellow young pop star Selena Gomez in Miami, Florida on December 18, 2010 where the pair looked happy and comfortable.

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

Cate Meighan:
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