Scooter Braun Begs Sharon Osbourne To Save Justin Bieber From Drugs – Sizzurp Addiction Out of Control in Atlanta

Scooter Braun Begs Sharon Osbourne To Save Justin Bieber From Drugs - Sizzurp Addiction Out of Control in AtlantaScooter Braun Begs Sharon Osbourne To Save Justin Bieber From Drugs - Sizzurp Addiction Out of Control in Atlanta

Justin Bieber‘s manager, Scooter Braun, has supposedly ‘beggedSharon Osbourne to ‘save’ the young singer from a life of drugs and partying, and prevent him from throwing away his talent. This story comes from National Enquirer and given TMZ’s headline’s this morning that Justin is totally addicted to Sizzurp and weed (which means he is addicted to codeine – a serious narcotic) it makes perfect sense. Obviously Bieber’s own parents are nothing but pandering moronic leeches and nobody Bieber allows to remain in his entourage has any positive influence over him. Plus Biebs is trying to be a rapper, spending some stoned time in the studio, and that rap ‘culture’ promotes drug abuse and thuggish behavior. So when you add it all up Scooter would love for someone with experience helping people with substance abuse issues, just like Sharon, to try to help Bieber.

A supposed source tells the Enquirer, “Scooter is at his wit’s end over Justin. He feels like he’s lost all control and, knowing Sharon’s history with keeping Ozzy [Osbourne] in line, he called her.” Then, Sharon reportedly suggested to Scooter that, “He turn over management of Justin to her, at least temporarily. Sharon promised that she’d take a hands-on, tough-love approach with Justin, and she’d also utilized her amazing list of contacts in the music business to keep him on top.”

Well, Scooter’s desperation to prevent Justin’s downward spiral is understandable. His career depends on Justin’s career, and if Justin throws away his future, Scooter’s future will also be jeopardized. However, it’s not so easy to change management contracts, even if Sharon was willing to take the responsibility. Don’t you think she has enough on her plate trying to deal with her husband? Would she really take on a spoiled teenage brat as well? Sure, she has tons of contacts in the music business, but so does Scooter – so that part of the story is completely irrelevant. And if Scooter really wanted to help Justin, he’d force the boy into rehab with the help of friends and family – and if that doesn’t work, why would Sharon work?

What do you guys think? Can you foresee Justin ending up in rehab, or will he calm down on his own? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.


Siyana Riley:
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