Hoo boy. Justin Bieber may have been involved in his fair share of scandals over the past year, but this is about to be the biggest one yet. Radar Online claims to have exclusive texts and pictures acquired between Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, where Justin sexted her a set of nude selfies while they were in the midst of a major fight. Of course, Justin would text his on-again/off-again girlfriend a picture of his genitals to try to get her back. That tells you everything you need to know about his ego and his lack of self-awareness, and this time, Selena’s not falling for it.
The texts all began after Justin and Selena seemingly had a falling out over something. Justin texted her, “Baby come on. I love you.” However, Selena wasn’t having any of it, since she replied, “I don’t buy that bullshit anymore. I was honest with you and I gave you a second chance. All my friends were right, You’re such an a**hole.” We know what friends she’s referring to here, don’t we? Both Taylor Swift and Demi Lovato clearly hate Justin’s guts, and why wouldn’t they? He sucks.
Justin continued to cajole Selena, writing, “You’re all I need right now. I know I can make it right with you.” But Selena started getting angry and hitting back, texting, “U r a drug addict. U need help.”
Of course, Justin’s ego is so out-of-control that he thought that sending Selena a dick picture would make everything better, and that’s exactly when things started getting messy. He wrote, “Come on. Don’t tell me you don’t miss this.” The picture attached in that text was apparently of Justin grabbing his genitals with his left hand.
Then, Selena responded, “Stop it. You need to listen to Scooter [Braun, his manager] and go to rehab. U r sick.” Again, Justin has no sense of accountability, and he responded, “Rehab? F*ck that! I make that f***er so much money.” Clearly, he doesn’t understand the word ‘no’ since he continued sending Selena dick pictures, even after she asked him to stop.
Eventually, Selena referenced Lil Za and asked, “And how can u let [Lil Za] take the fall or your actions? U need to grow the f*ck up. I hope you get jail time [for the egging attack]. U deserve it at this point.”
Damn, go Selena, tell it like it is. But Justin is now starting to get angry, which means his grammatical skills go wildly out the window. He replied, “F*CK YOU!!!!! I need to grow up?! HA ok! Enjoy life with OUT ME B*TCH!!! F*ck you. F*ck Scooter. F*ck all y’all. IAM DONE!”
Selena replied, “Good!!! Go ‘retire’ or whatever bullish*t attention ur trying to get.” Justin’s response to that belies his immaturity and idiocy, since he says, “Can’t hear you over my cash, babe! You’re only famous cuz of me. You know it. I know. Everybody knows. Bye. … Go f**k someone else. Keep that talentless p***y away from me!”
Selena’s camp has refused to comment, although Justin’s reps have already denied that these are legitimate. Well, of course they’re going to refuse to admit that Justin wrote these texts – they make him look horrible. Selena probably realizes what a huge mistake she made, and is now regretting every getting back together with him in the first place.