Selena Gomez Dating Justin Bieber To Take More Drugs – Perfect Addict Couple

Although the reasons given by Selena Gomez‘s team for her rehab stay are a bit sketchy, the underlying theme seems to be Justin Bieber. Some of the reasons listed were use of prescription drugs, alcohol, and pot, all regular vices on the Bieber compound in Calabasas. But despite her abbreviated rehab stay and her supposed attempt to get rid of negative influences, is it possible that Selena will end up back together with Justin?

Selena and Justin truly were each other’s first loves, and that sort of affection doesn’t go away easily. Plus, as much as everyone loves to hate on Justin and his idiotic rule breaking, he genuinely does seem to care about Selena. Not enough to fight for her, but enough to keep returning to her every time she shows any interest. If you look at the pattern of their relationship, you’ll notice that Justin would go crawling back to her every time she wanted time with him, but that was rarely returned.

So yes, he’s a terrible influence. Yes, she shouldn’t be dating him. In fact, she should stay off the Hollywood scene for a while, which she’s actually doing, what with the cancellation of the tour and spending time with her family. But even then, there’s no doubt that this isn’t the end of the Justin and Selena saga. Selena will recover fully in a few months time and Justin will end up going back to her, and maybe he’ll even attempt to help her get better. Well, probably not. But maybe he’ll try?

What do you guys think? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

Yellow J:
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