Justin Bieber Up to No Good!

It looks like Justin Bieber’s bad boy behavior isn’t about to end anytime soon. After fighting charges and allegations in three different locations, spanning two countries you’d think that Biebs would want things to calm down a bit, but instead here comes a new scandal. Surveillance footage from a Queensland, Australia strip club shows the star getting touchy feely with not one but two strippers. According to Radar Online the footage of Biebs is crystal clear and over the course of 12 minutes it shows him smacking their butts and removing their panties with his teeth.

It’s not exactly shocking to see Biebs with strippers. He was just photographed with a topless dancer a few days ago sucking on her nipple and we’ve already heard about him visiting a brothel while in Brazil. This tape could be a little different in terms of Bieber’s career though if it really is sold to the highest bidder. A still shot of Justin is one thing, actually seeing him romping is totally different. Plus what’s left of his fan base is still primarily teenagers and let’s be serious here- parental support for the star has completely tanked. No mom is going to buy his next album for her daughter if she has seen his dirty video online!

Do you think that Justin even cares about this thing seeing the light of day? Or is he kind of excited about it because in his mind it’ll make him look like more of a man? Will his crew respect him a little more for getting caught on tape with strippers? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Cate Meighan:
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