Kanye West Forces Kim Kardashian To Quit Keeping Up With The Kardashians – Kris Jenner’s Empire Crumbling!

Kanye West has been slowly controlling every aspect of Kim Kardashian’s life since they got married, and that includes her involvement in Keeping Up With the Kardashians. Kanye has never attempted to hide his disdain for the Kardashian family, and especially Kim’s mother, Kris Jenner. He’s reportedly pressured Kim to cut off contact with her family, but so far, she’s resisted. But if it’s a choice between Kanye and her family, who do you think Kim will choose? #KanyeAndFameForever.

Sources also tell Radar Online that Kanye has begun pressuring Kim to quit Keeping Up With the Kardashians, but Kim’s family – and specifically, Kris – is not happy with that news. Basically, Kris knows that Kim is her primary income source, and she really, REALLY doesn’t want to lose that. Without Kim, and with Kendall Jenner cutting off her family name in her modeling endeavors, Kris is starting to realize that their family does not have the brand power to keep the show adrift.

Radar’s sources explain, “Kanye wants her to walk away. They will be moving into their new mansion, and Kanye doesn’t want cameras in their house.”

However, Kris allegedly thinks that Kim could walk away with a $10 million two-year deal, and doesn’t want to lose out on her share of that. So what does Kim do? It’s hard to believe that Kim would walk away from that kind of money, but even with Kim, the show’s ratings have steadily been nose-diving over the recent seasons. Will E! really be willing to pony up that much cash for a has-been? Especially one that’s showing interest in quitting?

I wouldn’t put it past Kris Jenner to manipulate Kim into staying on the show, but whether with Kim’s involvement or without, the show’s days are numbered.

Siyana Riley:
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