Kate Gosselin Plans Wedding To Married Bodyguard, Steve Neild – Wants Another Reality Show

Kate Gosselin Plans Wedding To Married Bodyguard, Steve Neild - Wants Another Reality ShowKate Gosselin Plans Wedding To Married Bodyguard, Steve Neild - Wants Another Reality Show

After a rough 2013 – with her book failing and the public greeting her every move with derision and scorn – Kate Gosselin‘s bounded back spectacularly in 2014. Not only is she on Celebrity Apprentice, finally earning a paycheck that doesn’t involve residuals from Jon and Kate Plus 8, but she’s also managed to wrangle herself and her children a TLC special during the summer. Plus, she’s dating her married bodyguard, so she’s finally in a supposedly ‘satisfying’ relationship – to her, at least.

However, sources tell us that Kate’s still not happy with what she has, and she wants more. That’s always the way it is with these reality stars, no? They always want more, more, more. They’re never happy with what they have, and they won’t rest until they’ve done everything. Just look at Kim Kardashian – it’s not enough that their family has done absolutely nothing yet made millions of dollars. No, she had to also get on the cover of Vogue, and she also wants to be an actress and have her own Star on the Walk of Fame. DELUSIONAL.

Anyway, Kate seems to be going in that direction. It seems like the success from Celebrity Apprentice has gone to her head already, especially since sources say that she’s trying to land herself another reality show – and this time, with her bodyguard, Steve Neild. Forget that Steve is married and committed to someone else, since that didn’t stop her from starting an affair with him. Now, sources claim that Kate’s trying to convince Steve to dump his wife and marry her, and she plans for that marriage to put her back in the spotlight. In fact, she’s apparently looking for another ‘Jon and Kate Plus 8’ type show, except this time with Steve and her slightly more grown-up children.

Will she be successful? Is she just being delusional? What do you guys think? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

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