Kate Gosselin and Twins Mady and Cara Appear on The View: They Don’t Mention Jon Gosselin, They Hate Justin Bieber!

Days after Kate Gosselin‘s uncomfortable and borderline awkward interview on The Today Show with her twin girls, Mady and Cara, the trio appeared on The View where they dished about their parents’ divorce. When asked by Barbara Walters if they talk with their father, Jon Gosselin, the girls looked over to their mother in discomfort, unsure of whether or not they should answer.

Kate encouraged them to answer, lightly prompting them along, as she was seen doing during the Today Show debacle, but Mady couldn’t answer. She turned red, revealing her bashful nature, which has been revealed over the course of these interviews — which Kate is more than likely driving forward, with full force, because she’s hellbent on getting her family a new reality show.

While the twins didn’t reveal much about their father personally, they did mention a bit about the divorce, telling the audience that it didn’t negatively influence them because they were so young. “It didn’t really affect me,” Mady said.

They were quite happy to discuss the singers they like — or, rather, don’t like. Mady said, “If I’m going to be 100 percent honest, I don’t like Justin Bieber.” Cara revealed that she’s not a big One Direction fan. Interesting that these two teens don’t much care for two of the biggest teen pop stars in the world — but with all the news surrounding one of those names (ahem, Justin Bieber), it’s no real surprise that they choose to support other singers.

What do you think about Kate Gosselin promoting her children on daily talk shows in an effort to drum up enough publicity for a new reality show? Who knows what Kate’s been promising her children. She’s probably told them they could become the next Kardashians or something. Leave your thoughts in the comments section below. We’d love to hear them!

Image credit to FameFlynet

Yellow J: