Kate Middleton and Prince William are having a baby girl, there will be a daughter for the lucky parents and a sister for Prince George. Kate Middleton deserves some happy news in the midst of all the angst that’s taking over Kensington right now, especially with her endless wardrobe malfunctions, marriage issues, and her forced country-wide tour following her [very, VERY] recent recovery from Hyperemesis Gravidarum. CDL was the first to confirm that Kate’s baby’s gender would be determined after 12 weeks, and we also confirmed that Kate and Will are expecting a baby girl.
Of course, the tabloids have taken this story and run with it, saying what we already know: Kate Middleton will be having a baby girl, and the news was confirmed by a prenatal DNA test. Right, then. Thanks for telling us something we already knew. Obviously, we saw Prince William and Kate William sneaking out to visit the doctor a couple of weeks ago under the cover of darkness, when Kate was supposedly bedridden with debilitating illness. If it was enough to bring Will and Kate together after a protracted period of fighting and arguments, then it must have been important, no? And what’s more important than the gender of their unborn child? Plus, they both looked so happy in the days following that visit, so obviously the doctor delivered some good news – and Kate and Will haven’t exactly hidden their desire to have a baby girl next.
What do you guys think? Will the second royal baby’s gender be female? And if Kate and Will do have a baby girl, then what poor name will be forced upon this hapless, unsuspecting child? Diana? Elizabeth? Charlotte? Or God forbid, Camilla? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.