Kate Middleton Fears Cressida Bonas’ Half-Sister Isabella Calthorpe Cheating With Prince William – Dissuades Cressida From Prince Harry Enagement

Kate Middleton Fears Cressida Bonas' Half-Sister Isabella Calthorpe Cheating With Prince William - Dissuades Cressida From Prince Harry EnagementKate Middleton Fears Cressida Bonas' Half-Sister Isabella Calthorpe Cheating With Prince William - Dissuades Cressida From Prince Harry Enagement

Weeks ago, it seemed like Prince Harry and Cressida Bonas were days away from officially announcing their engagement. But then, an influx of stories starting coming in about how Cressida was having second thoughts about joining the royal family, and how she wasn’t sure if she wanted to get married to Prince Harry.

Someone close to Cressida’s obviously talking, and you can bet that the royals aren’t too happy about it. However, what if it was actually a member of the royal family that scared Cressida away from marrying Harry?

According to Star Magazine, the Duchess herself, Kate Middleton, might be responsible for Cressida’s cold feet. A source tells Star Magazine, “Cressida wants to slow things down. Cressida has spoken to Kate about the expectations that come with being part of the royal family and how unbelievably busy she is… Kate’s been honest about her struggles and it’s been a lot for Cressida to process.”

I’m sure Kate’s been ‘honest’ about her struggles. After all, going on a three-week ‘work’ vacation to Australia and New Zealand must be so tough! But even apart from that, there’s also the fact that Kate probably would rather ‘work’ every day for the rest of her life than see Cressida’s half-sister, Isabella Calthorpe, ever again.

For those who don’t know, Isabella Calthorpe is the woman that Prince William dumped Kate for and wanted to marry. He was rumored to have proposed to Isabella, but she turned him down, which then led to him running back to Kate. Eventually, Will proposed to Kate and Isabella was forgotten – for the moment – but not by Kate! But alas, if Cressida and Harry get engaged, then Kate will have to face her mortal enemy [okay, I’m exaggerating a little] as part of the family for the rest of her life. Obviously, she would do anything and everything to prevent that from happening, even talking Cressida out of marrying Harry.

Honestly though, it doesn’t look like Kate had to try very hard. I’m getting the feeling that Cressida’s not all that into losing her freedom and independence, even if she does love Harry. It looks like that engagement is no longer looking like a sure thing. Do you guys agree?

Siyana Riley:
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