Kate Middleton Angry With Sister Pippa Middleton For Kim Kardashian Butt Comparison (PHOTOS)

Kate Middleton is disgusted and angry with sister Pippa Middleton once again and this time it is over a nude butt comparison – and how ironic is that given that Pippa’s rather flat and featureless butt went viral after Kate became The Duchess of Cambridge! Pippa Middleton dissed Kim Kardashian’s nude butt photoshoot in her ‘Winter Diary’ column, but Pippa is the one that looks bad in this situation. First of all, why is Pippa Middleton making a comparison with some lowly D-list reality star’s nude butt photoshoot? Shouldn’t that be beneath her? After all, she is the sister to Kate Middleton, the future Queen of England. You’d think that she would have some modicum of class and restraint when going about her public duties. Pippa is not supposed to be comparing her Butt in public! She’s already famewhored her way into landing every job she has, or will have, like on The Today Show, using her royal connections while doing so. Literally, the least she could do is not comment on Kim Kardashian, or any celebrity and keep herself above the fray, but alas, she can’t stop herself. On the bright side this is the closest Kim Kardashian will ever get to royalty!

Pippa’s exact words regarding Kim’s photoshoot were (courtesy of Naughty Gossip), “The Kim butt story did make me pause. What is it with this American booty culture? It seems to me to be a form of obsession. Kim’s aim, apparently, was to break the Internet, but I’m not sure she’s going the right way about it.”

Again, why does she care? Is she trying to pen an insightful piece on the way our culture has placed an unhealthy obsession over female bodies? Because if she is, she’s failing – badly. Instead, she comes off as petty and slightly jealous, and not at all professional considering the topic of the article. And we’re also hearing that Kate Middleton, Prince William, and everyone at the palace press office is once again annoyed that Pippa Middleton has gone and put herself in the news, necessitating damage control on their end.

Plus, Kate and Will are already worried about Pippa taking the job on The Today Show, which would mean that their private lives will no longer be private, but at the mercy of Kate’s sister and whatever she decides to leak or not leak to the US media.

Some photos including Kate Middleton and Pippa Middleton  on royal yacht holiday by FameFlynet

Siyana Riley:
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