Kenya Moore Accuses Porsha Stewart of Being Kordell Stewart’s Beard

The Real Housewives of Atlanta has gotten a lot more combative over the past season, and the housewives have been throwing around accusations practically every other day. On the latest episode of the show, Kenya Moore has reportedly accused Porsha Stewart for ‘beardingKordell Stewart, alleging that Porsha has been dropping hints all season that her ex-husband was gay.

Porsha has initially told her co-stars, “He was always the celebrity, he had that before me — but his celebrity was tainted. I told him that I had a plan for us and that my plan was to be the ideal couple and that whatever was in his past, that was nasty, that hurt him, all those rumors, I would help him erase that. I did that for him.”

Porsha refused to into detail or explain the rumors that had ‘tainted’ his past, even though Kenya asked her to clarify. However, Kenya then decided to take things one step further when she told Porsha, “You’re saying, ‘I signed on to be his beard.’”

While Porsha vehemently denied that accusation, she claims that Kordell was ‘wounded’ and that she managed to help him through the pain. For good measure, she also added that she loved him and respected him, although I’d say too little, too late.

Anyway, this rumor, if true, really shouldn’t be all that shocking. Considering that we have pretty much only one football player who’s ever come clean about being gay, I’d say it’s a sure bet that there are a lot of closeted football players who have wives and girlfriends bearding for them. The only question is – was Kordell one of them? Or is Kenya Moore just stirring up trouble for the sake of stirring up trouble?

What do you guys think? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Siyana Riley:
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