Kim Kardashian Divorce Update: French Montana Knows Kim Cheated With Tyrese in Dubai – Tells Kanye West?

Kim Kardashian’s divorce is rapidly approaching and cheating on Kanye West with Tyrese Gibson in Dubai, something French Montana knows, is not information Kim wants to hand her soon to be ex-husband. In a twisted way this helps explain the pending breakup of Khloe Kardashian and French Montana… read on!

French Montana remains true to form as he was spotted hugging it out with an attractive woman upon his return to Los Angeles on November 25. Montana arrived at LAX after travelling to Dubai where he was spotted on several occasions with rumored on-again girlfriend Khloe Kardashian’s big sister Kim Kardashian.

Reports surfaced that Montana was with a brunette while in Dubai, and pictures of him getting very close to a woman at LAX before they went their separate ways, seems to validate the cheating talk. While several reports are claiming Montana purposefully hung with Kim Kardashian in order to be pictured with her as often as possible to prove to Khloe that he’s been behaving while traveling, CDL knows that is not the real story. That story implies that Montana was clever enough to think of such a scheme so to not disappoint a woman he could care less about, Khloe Kardashian. French Montana has always been pretty brazen about his cheating and would likely never go out of his way to have pictures taken to prove he was remaining true to Khloe. Quite honestly, he doesn’t care enough to do such a thing.

The rumors started after Kim Kardashian came back from Dubai, telling Khloe that she was only around Montana for a few seconds here and there. Basically, Kim didn’t keep tabs on Montana but as soon as she returned, Khloe was interrogating her over what her rumored boyfriend was up to. Kim’s real motive for keeping tight-lipped about the trip is because she worried that Montana would share details of what transpired in Dubai, and that he saw Kim Kardashian acting very single.

Kim knew if she made an issue out of ratting out Montana, he would do the same in turn and run to Kanye West or the media. Kim wiggled her way out of saying French Montana was cheating on Khloe and risking payback from the rapper by saying she really wasn’t with him much. There were many pictures in which both Kim and French Montana were pictured together with various groups. These were taken at different times in different places…. so Kim’s lie that she spent only 10 seconds with cheating French Montana is just not good enough.

In fact, Montana was at the same club as Kim on the night Tyrese was kicked out for getting a little naughty with Kim. Montana knows too much, and Kim wants to be sure no one finds out. She remained tight-lipped as a result, but now is going full force to push the family into making Khloe cut ties for good.

Kim is telling mom Kris Jenner to push for a break-up between Khloe and Montana. Kim wants to be sure he never has a chance to spill her dirt, and since she saw him flirting up a storm, she knows he is no good for her sister.  She told Kris about seeing the rapper flirting up a storm but left it at that.

Will Kim get rid of French Montana before he reveals what he knows about her encounter with Tyrese? Stay tuned CDLers….we know you couldn’t have believed French used Kim to prove he was behaving. We know better than that! Share your thoughts below.

Caryn Doti Chavez:
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