Kim Kardashian And Kanye West Plan Royal Wedding: Order Crowns (PHOTO)

According to a new report from US Weekly, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West want to get married like royalty. Delusions of grandeur much? We already know how highly they think of themselves, and getting married in crowns would only reinforce that.

A source tells US that both Kim and Kanye have started planning out their wedding in detail, explaining, “She’s telling friends, ‘We picked a date!’ She and Kanye will be in handcrafted headpieces he commissioned for them. Kanye thinks he and Kim are royalty. No expense will be spared… it’ll be over the top!”

Apparently, they’ve also asked Stevie Wonder and John Legend to perform at the ceremony, as if they need any more ego boosting. I get the feeling that Kim’s ego has grown out of control after she got engaged to Kanye, so them believing that they’re royalty is on par with that. Granted, their wedding is going to be an absolute mess, what with the crowns and whatever ridiculous outfits that Kanye picks out for them. You know Kim won’t have much of a say in this wedding, and if that Bound 2 music video was any indication, Kanye doesn’t have an ounce of subtlety in him. We can expect grand, overblown, over-the-top, and ridiculous. Think a royal wedding, but with reality stars. Now imagine those two worlds clashing, and that’s what Kimye’s wedding is bound to look like.

Considering that the wedding will most likely be televised, it’s bound to draw in ratings. Fortunately, the wedding, for all its buffoonery, will probably be very entertaining – if only to make fun of it.

Siyana Riley:
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