Kim Kardashian Indulges in a Shopping Day at Barneys – Leaves Baby North West Behind Again? (PHOTOS)

Reality star Kim Kardashian was spotted out and about doing some shopping at Barneys New York in Beverly Hills on Monday, January 6th. As far as we can tell, Kanye West and baby North West were nowhere to be found. Did Kim need some mommy-alone time, a little chance to catch her breath? Perhaps. Kim was photographed wearing a long teal-ish colored skirt and tan overcoat, along with a revealing top that left nothing to the imagination.

In the photos below, Kim’s seen exiting the store and getting into her car. To check out the pics from Kim’s shopping trip, take a peek at the photo gallery and let us know what you think of Kim.

Everything seems to be well in the world of  Kardashians, as Kim revealed on her Twitter recently that everyone was excited to head to the slopes for their first ski run of the season. “Our first day out skiing,” she said, along with a photo, and wrote this longer message on her blog: “I hadn’t skied in 10 years and it’s not too fun having all the paps stand there waiting for a fall! LOL. But now we have these cute pics and good memories! Kourtney had gone the year before and assured me I would remember how. We always skied with our dad and I hadn’t gone since I skied with him. It was so good to be out skiing again!”

Kim is a new mother and one would expect her to want to spend every waking moment with sweet North West. While we’re not saying she’s neglecting NW by any stretch of the imagine, don’t you think it’s strange how often Kim is seen without Nori by her side? Leave your thoughts in the comments below and tell us if we’re making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Image credits to FameFlynet

Yellow J:
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