Kourtney and Khloe Take The Hamptons Recap – Scott Wants to Leave: Season 1 Episode 8 “There’s No Smoke Without Fire Island”

Tonight on E! Kourtney and Khloe Take The Hamptons continues with a whole new Sunday December 21, season 1 episode 8 called, “There’s No Smoke Without Fire Island.” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s show Scott Disick decides it’s in his best interest to leave the Hamptons early and return to L.A.; Khloé Kardashian and Kourtney Kardashian hire a new Dash Doll as a favor to Bruce.

On last week’s episode, Kourtney and Scott made a secret wager on how long Khloé would last at horseback riding after she took a renewed interest in the sport; Kourtney and Kim decided the best way to put an end to their mom’s cranky mood was by finding her some romance; and Kris went behind Kim’s back when she put a bid on her daughter’s dream NYC apartment. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the E! synopsis, “When Scott is consumed by his negative affiliations with the Hamptons, he chooses to leave early.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be drama packed, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of E!’s Kourtney and Khloe Take Hamptons Season 1 episode 8— tonight at 9PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the new show of KKTTH.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Kourtney makes a “flagel” and Khloe teases her and says they don’t make them in LA like they do in New York. They fire alarm goes off from the toaster and she tries to get it but Khloe says not to use a metal knife to get it out. She’s charred her bagel but the alarm won’t stop. Khloe lifts her up and tells her to wave til it stopped. It finally does.

Khloe and Scott are out by the pool. Kourtney says she’s going to go in and eat. Scott asks Kourtney if she’s turning into her mom and they talk about them being neighbors when they get home. Kourtney asks Scott if he’s going to his parents house to make a decision about keeping or selling. Kourtney says they still need to clean it out. He says he’s not comfortable about it.

Scott wants her to stop pushing him but she says it will be harder once they’re back in LA. He tells her to stop bothering him and making him uncomfortable. He says when he’s ready he’ll go. He hasn’t properly grieved his parents. Kourtney won’t let up and he gets mad and goes inside. Kourt calls Malika and says they got rid of their manager out there and asks if she’ll come out and help.

Kourt says they want Malika to help with the Hamptons pop-up store and to bring one other. Malika says she can bring Durrani and Kourt says she’ll get them a little house to stay in. They ring off. Scott and Kourt are in an old car and she complains about the ’55 auto. He says it’s strange to be out there. Kourt says they never visited places where he spent his childhood and she wants some insights.

They are driving through his old neighborhood and he talks about his first kiss. He says she was a whore but her parents were nice. He says she’s probably still a whore. He points out his old house and she asks if he wants to go knock on the door. He says it’s weird. Scott is feeling pressure and guilt about his childhood. He says he has to get used to the loss of his parents.

He calls the neighborhood a shithole and she says it’s cute. Some girls want a pic – he says yes, but Kourt says no. She says she doesn’t want to get out of the car. He tells her she’s a nasty f*&k. She doesn’t seem to care. Back at the rental house, he comes to talk to Kourt. He says he’s not feeling any connection to stay there in the Hamptons. He says he’s losing money being there.

He wants to go back to LA for work. She says she gets that he’s dealing with a lot. Scott says he knows he’s leaving her alone but that going back to LA makes sense. She says she wants him to stay but says he has to do what he wants. She asks when he’ll go and he says tonight then says he’s joking. She says they have to go to Fire Island before he goes. She says he has to take them.

He says it’s a deal then says he loves her and leaves the room to go to his room. Kourt wonders what to make for lunch and asks Khloe what she had – tuna. She says Scott told her he wants to go home to LA. She says it’s been hard for him there but isn’t sure him being home without them is good. Khloe says pressuring him to go to his parents’ house is making it worse.

Khloe says everyone grieves differently and reminds her that she and Kourt dealt differently with their dad dying and Scott just lost two parents. Kourt thinks Scott going back to LA is setting him up for disaster. Khloe heads to see Malika and Durrani. She says bringing Durrani, one of their top dolls, is a great idea by Malika. They rented them a house near the Dash store.

Durrani says she’s homesick already. She’s Muslim and her parents are super-strict. Malika tells her to shake it off. Khloe asks what her parents think about her working for them. She says her mom really likes them. Khloe sings about the traffic in the Hamptons while driving with Kourt. Kourt tells her she’s going to bring out Pasto Rich and his wife to talk to Scott before he goes to LA.

Kourt says Pastor Rich married Kim and Kanye and would be a good influence on Scott. Khloe tells Mason it’s his favorite street and he laughs and tells his Aunt Koko to drive faster. DawnChere and Rich show up and Scott is happy to see them. He says it’s nice to have better people around when you’re trying to live a cleaner life.

They make plans to go out on the boat and do karate. Kourt wants to fill Scott’s time with positive things and people to keep his momentum going. French comes in and they tease him about wearing a t shirt as shorts since they had no clean shorts. Scott says if Kanye walked out of the house wearing that it would start a trend. They all go out on the boat. Scott is tearing it up.

Back in LA, Khloe is moving into her house and checking in on things. Her mom is there. Kris starts to take over but Khloe calls her down. Kris says Khloe is the only child that does what she tells them. She says Bruce asked if she would interview one of his friend’s daughters for a spot at the Hamptons store. Khloe doesn’t like it but her mom reminds her that Bruce never asks for favors.

Scott goes into the city to see Pastor Rich do a sermon. Kourt says she’s very happy that Scott was enjoying it. Kourt says Scott had his hands up and everything. Scott tells her she’s embarrassing him. Scott says it’s different being with positive people and talking about this. He says he has no idea about temple and never embraced Judaism.

Rich asks about when they first met. Kourt says he was younger than him and had no job then they met. Scott jokes and says except for the kids, nothing has changed. Next day, they are all tired from staying up til 2 am. Rich asks Kourt about how she feels about Scott going back to LA and she admits she’s worried about his influences at home and people taking him out to party.

Rich says dealing with grief is a long process like a story you unravel. He says it’s good that Scott is communicating with her. Kourt says Scott has been doing well after rehab and worries about his party friends in LA and says it will be a test for him and it worries her. Rich says he’s created good boundaries in New York and needs to create them in LA.

Kourt and Scott are on the porch when Khloe comes out. She rubs her sister’s tummy to feel the baby. She’s tired from the flight back from LA and says it’s so calm in the Hamptons. They tell Khloe about going to church and Scott says there were even Jews there. He says it’s a nice vibe with Rich there. Khloe tells her about Bruce’s favor.

Kourt says they’re not looking for anyone with Durrani and Malika there. Khloe says they need to do Bruce a solid. Kourt agrees that he never asks for favors and they can interview her to see if she’s a Dash doll. Khloe points out a stork on the beach and says it’s a good sign. Khloe comes over to Malika’s with Kourt and meets Caroline, the new doll they hired sight unseen.

They did it just for Bruce figuring what’s the worst that could happen. Durrani talks about being scared about the house. Caroline says Durrani was blaming ghosts for the jacuzzi shaking the house. Caroline says the store is nice but teeny tiny. Kourt isn’t sure what to do with Caroline. Caroline makes inane small talk that kind of turns them off.

Scott finds Kourt and tells him he has smoosh on his face. She thinks it’s peeling skin and he barks at her when she tries to wipe it off. They talk about Rich and how great it’s been having him. She says Rich told her that Scott needed to set good boundaries when he’s back in LA about who not to talk to and places not to go. He agrees.

Kourt says she thinks he’ll be okay in LA if he can stay on a good path. She wants to go to Fire Island before he leaves. They swap I love you’s and they kiss awkwardly. Kourt gets the door and finds Caroline and Malika there. Kourt says she and Malika were talking and says it’s really too small to have four girls. She asks if Caroline can help her at the house since the store is covered.

Caroline agrees and says she’ll do whatever they want to help out. Kourt and Caroline buy lemonade from Mason’s lemonade stand. Malika also buys some and says it’s gourmet. Mason tells his mom to spread the word about his stand. Kourt starts Caroline with shredding documents. Caroline talks about how she would read palms and sell lemonade.

Kourt says she’s impressed with Caroline’s work ethic and glad she’s not insistent on being a Dash doll. She starts talking about her mom running John McCain’s camp and how she was so weird then got taken to a wilderness therapeutic camp. She talks about how they strip searched her and says her parents apologized. She’s babbling and then Scott and Kourt go to the kitchen to talk.

He asks why she’s there and says he feels bad for her that she’s doing busy work around the house instead of the job she wanted at the store. Later, Caroline washes the boat and Scott says it’s awkward having her do all this. He says she seems pretty mature for 21. He says he likes her but doesn’t understand this job process. He says it’s demeaning and rude.

Khloe says there are too many people in the store so Kourt brought her to the house. He tells Khloe he feels bad for her. Khloe, Malika, Scott and Kourt head to Fire Island. He says his grandma lived there but he hasn’t been there in 20 years. He says everything looks smaller when you’re grown up. Khloe says she’s heard all about Fire Island from him and hopes they can give him new memories.

Malika says it’s funny like going back to Khloe’s elementary school. They’re on the ferry headed to the island. Khloe and Scott swap dick jokes. A bunch of kids yell out to Khloe and Kourt when they pull up and then people yell out at Scott. He’s excited to see his grandma’s old house. They stroll the streets and Kourt checks out a house she likes.

Some guy starts saying ugly crap to Scott from his window badmouthing Kourt and Khloe. Scott curses at the guy and it escalates. The girls ignore it but Khloe says it was uncomfortable. Scott points out his grandma’s house and they knock. The owner is stunned but invites them in. She says she’s rented it for the past 15 years. She says her neighbor told her that Scott would spend time there.

She tells them they can come in and take a tour of the house. She takes them out onto the deck and says an uncle got married out there but it didn’t last long. They poke around all over the house and the neighbor comes over and says he lived there when his great grandma moved there. Scott is surprised that he remembers all that. He says he remembers his uncle Fred and grandma.

Scott says he knows more about his childhood than him and even remembers Scott going to summer camp there. Scott says he remembers buying smokes saying they were for his mom. He also talks about going to the Pines when he didn’t know it was the gay area. Kourt asks if he wants to go there and he says yeah. They shake hands with the neighbor and the homeowner and leave.

Scott says a big part of him wants to go to LA but now part of him wants to stay and enjoy the amazing summer with him and his family. They go to Cherry’s on the Bay next – it’s a drag show. The lead drag queen calls Scott up to dance. The crowd chants his name and then they make him kiss the woman’s hand.

The drag show starts and Khloe wonders if the queen is wearing the Kardashian collection. Scott says the place is insane. Khloe gets up and goes to dance with her. The drag queen finishes in a split. Scott says this place is like spring break gone bad. He says it’s pretty impressive. They take off after the show. Khloe asks if it was fun to see his house and he says it was like going down memory lane.

He says going back to LA doesn’t feel as important as it did now. He says he can put it off for a couple of weeks or a month. He says he doesn’t want to miss any memories. He says he needs to slow down and be more in the moment. Kourt says that makes her happy. Bruce calls Kourt and she says Scott is seven weeks sober and quit taking sleeping pills too.

He says he heard that Caroline was cleaning Scott’s boat. Kourt says they had nothing for her to do and he says they can find better work for her to do than odd jobs around the house. He says she needs business experience. Kourt says she feels bad now for pulling her out of the store. Bruce says he needs to get her back to Dash. Kourt says they have nine days left if he wants to come – he doesn’t.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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