Kourtney and Khloe Take The Hamptons Recap “A House Divided” Season 1 Episode 9

Tonight on E! Kourtney and Khloe Take The Hamptons continues with a whole new Sunday December 28, season 1 episode 9 called, “A House Divided.” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s show Kourtney starts fixing up Scott’s parent’s house, hoping that she can convince him to keep it.

On last week’s episode, when Scott was consumed by his negative affiliations with the Hamptons, he chose to leave early. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the E! synopsis, “Kourtney tries to convince Scott to keep his late parents’ house, even though he can’t bring himself to set foot in it, which she tries to remedy with a makeover. Meanwhile, Khloé’s fraternizing with the Dash Dolls doesn’t go over well with her big sis.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be drama packed, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of E!’s Kourtney and Khloe Take Hamptons Season 1 episode 9— tonight at 9PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the new show of KKTTH.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s episode of Kourtney & Khloe Take The Hamptons begins with a house full of the DASH girls that Kourtney and Khloe had over to discuss setting up the Hampton DASH store. Outside Malika tells Khloe that she needs to get to know her employees more, because they act nothing like themselves when Khloe is around. Malika thinks that she and Khloe should go out with the DASH girls for some drinks to get to know them a little more.

Meanwhile, Kourtney is pressuring Scott and reminding him that they need to go to his parents’ house and go through all of their stuff and decide if they are going to keep it or donate it. Kourtney has always wanted to be an interior designer so she decides that she is going to do a test run on Scott’s parents’ house and see if she can fix it up and turn it in to their family’s second home. Kourtney and her kids head over to Scott’s parents’ house with her assistant to see what kind of shape the house is in since no one has stepped foot in it for over six months. Kourtney tells Mason to put his shoes back on because the floor is covered in bugs. Kourtney does a walk through with a friend of Scott’s to get some estimates on all of the work that will need to be done.

Later Kourtney and Khloe head out in the car, and French calls Khloe…again. Kourtney is sick of them talking on the phone all day long, Khloe laughs that she doesn’t know why French calls her 5,000 times a day. After Khloe hangs up on French he Facetimes her – and Kourtney grabs the phone and tells him that they can’t talk anymore and hangs up on him.
Malika and Khloe head out to a night club with the DASH girls Caroline and Durrani, Khloe wants to show them that they don’t have to be intimidated by her because she is their boss. They wind up having a great time and Khloe thinks that they are “balls of energy.” The next morning Kourtney isn’t thrilled that Khloe went clubbing with their employees – she tells Khloe that she “crossed a line” and they shouldn’t mix business with pleasure.

The next morning Khloe is annoyed because she learns that French was arrested the night before, and he’s not answering her text messages – but he is posting pictures on Instagram. She admits to Scott and Kourtney that she likes French, she just doesn’t like having a boyfriend. Kourtney agrees, she thinks Khloe jumped in to her relationship with French too soon and needs to deal with her divorce – which still hasn’t happened.

Khloe is supposed to be meeting Kourtney and Johnathan for lunch, and she stops by DASH and picks up Durrani and Caroline and brings them to the restaurant with her. Kourtney is not happy when they arrive, she can’t believe that Khloe would hang out with their employees and she already told her to stop. Kourtney and Johnathan barely talk to the girls and then excuses themselves. Kourtney rants to Johnathan that Khloe needs to learn to keep her work life and personal life separate, and they have enough to deal with in the Hamptons without Khloe hanging out with their employees.

Khloe heads home and informs Kourtney that she has no manners, she thinks her sister is “stone cold” and has no heart. Kourtney admits that she feels badly about how rude she was to Caroline and Durrani – and they agree to disagree on their managing styles.

Khloe heads over to Scott’s parents’ house with Kourtney to help her go through some of his parents’ stuff. They bring a box of stuff back to their house and give it to Scott but he refuses to look at it, he says he isn’t ready to look through his families’ memorabilia and think about his parents. Kourtney tries to tell Scott about the construction – but he doesn’t want to hear it and says that all she is doing is throwing stuff out in the trash, and that doesn’t take talent.

Later Kourtney and Khloe have Caroline and Durrina over to their house and Kourtney even gives them a gift basket. She wants them to know that she appreciates their hard work and dedication. Khloe is happy that her sister is trying to be more personable with their employees, she knows she won’t change over night, but at least she is trying.

Scott calls his realtor, and informs him that he wants to put a bandaid on the house and get it on the market ASAP. He is 100% sure he doesn’t want to keep it. Kourtney feels like she failed, she really wanted to convince Scott to see his parents’ house and keep it because it is special to them – but Scott obviously has other plans.


Amanda Austin:
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