Khloe Kardashian’s Real Father Alex Roldan, NOT Lionel Richie nor Oj Simpson: Kris Jenner Slept With OJ? (PHOTOS)

Khloe Kardashian's Real Father Alex Roldan, NOT Lionel Richie nor Oj Simpson: Kris Jenner Slept With OJ? (PHOTOS)Khloe Kardashian's Real Father Alex Roldan, NOT Lionel Richie nor Oj Simpson: Kris Jenner Slept With OJ? (PHOTOS)

There have been lots of questions raised over Khloe Kardashian’s true paternity, especially over the last few years. I think it’s become fairly clear that Robert Kardashian isn’t her biological father, even though he took her in as his own and raised her as his daughter. But thanks to Kris Jenner’s affairs in the 80s, we know that there are a few contenders vying for the position of Khloe Kardashian’s biological father. The REAL biological father, not the media-fed nonsense that the Kardashians keep feeding us.

Now, the evidence all points to Alex Roldan being Khloe’s real father, but a new report from the National Enquirer claims that OJ Simpson is Khloe’s father. Now In Touch Weekly has the claim that Lionel Richie is Khkoe’s dad, forget about it. I mean, it’s not impossible – Kris Jenner and OJ Simpson were rumored to have had an affair around that time, which would fit the timeline of Khloe’s birth and Kris might have also slept with Lionel. But we will reiterate again that there has been too much evidence supporting Alex as Khloe’s biological father, and some random sources here and there aren’t going to convince us otherwise.

I mean, it’s not like this ‘source’ is the most reliable you know? For people who don’t know, a transsexual named Jazmena Jameson is claiming to have slept with OJ Simpson in prison. She’s also spilling on all the dirt he allegedly told her, including Khloe Kardashian’s paternity. Jazmena told the National Enquirer, “I remember just as clear as yesterday, he would laugh about [the rumors he was Khloe’s dad]. And yes he said he slept with] the woman [Kris Jenner], the mom and stuff … and she knows it. I think that he thinks that [Khloe] could be his baby. That’s just what I sense. But he probably doesn’t want to do no test.”

Well, he’s in prison now and doing a paternity test wouldn’t give him anything. No money is going to help OJ out of the pit of hole he’s dug himself into, and there’s nothing he would be able to do for Khloe that others haven’t already done. Granted, this is all a moot point since we already know it’s Alex Roldan, but you know, let’s just humor Ms. Jameson.

Update: some sites are putting forth the incorrect claim that Lionel Richie is Khloe Kardaashian’s father. This is simply not true, Khloe’s biological father is and always has been Alex Roldan. Check out the pics below and see what you think.

Khloe Kardashian FameFlynet

Yellow J:
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