Kristen Stewart Dating Robert Pattinson Rumors: “Friends Dropping Like Flies” But Only Twilight RPatz Matters!

Robert Pattinson is the only friend  that matters to Kristen Stewart and she wants him back from FKA Twigs stat. If anyone thinks that Kristen wouldn’t do anything to get back together with RPatz and be dating her Twilight lover again then they are fooling themselves. As Joni Mitchell sings, ‘you don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone.’ So recent rumors of Kristen loosing all her friends are beside the point – Kristen loves Robert and won’t be happy until she is dating home once more.

Kristen Stewart is a famous, A-list movie star, but she apparently has no friends left in the hellhole that is Hollywood. According to Radar Online, one of Kristen’s childhood friends has come forward to allege that Kristen’s ego has exploded over the last few years, leading to her dumping all of her friends and isolating herself.

This source explains, “Kristen’s inflated ego has convinced her that even her childhood friends only want to hang out with her because of ‘who she is.’ It’s really sad, and her friends are literally dropping like flies.”

You know, I totally believe this. I don’t really think that it’s Kristen’s ‘ego’ that’s leading to her ridding herself of her friends, but rather her attempt to protect herself. She is very famous, and as such, the media is still very interested in the details of her private life. Kristen Stewart’s obviously closing ranks and protecting her personal life from scrutiny and speculation, and she can’t do that if her friend list is extensive. So yes, it probably sucks to these childhood ‘friends’ of Kristen’s that she’s no longer keeping in touch with them, and it probably comes across as the result of an inflated ego. But on this one, I have to give it to Kristen. Kristen Stewart’s friends are a liability when it comes to information leaking, and she’s clearly just trying to protect herself.

Besides, if we’re going the Twi-hard route on this, we’d say that the only friend who mattered to Kristen was Robert Pattinson. After all, #RobstenUnbrokenForever, right guys?

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