Are Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson Getting Back Together Before FKA Twigs Destroys His Future?

Kristen Stewart really cares about former Twilight boyfriend Robert Pattinson and so she is getting back together to save him from FKA Twigs who is clearly using RPatz for her career and fame. Kristen Stewart is still single, two years after she broke up with Robert Pattinson for good. Actually, let me rephrase that – after Robert Pattinson broke up with HER for good. Kristen was the one who cheated on Rob, and it makes complete sense that Rob could never fully trust her again and thus, decided to dump her. It took him a while to move on, but he finally rebounded with a series of flings and has now ended up with the mother of all famewhores, FKA Twigs (is she related to Kris Jenner). Don’t tell me that FKA Twigs and Robert Pattinson want privacy, because I will laugh in your face. FKA Twigs is blatantly using Robert Pattinson, in a way that’s so obvious and outright that I can’t believe more people aren’t calling her out on it.

Either way, Rob is now with a girl that is making him look bad in the media, and Kristen Stewart is still single. So really, it’s not a huge surprise to hear that Kristen Stewart actually thinks that she has a shot at getting back together with Rob, probably because she thinks that FKA Twigs is completely wrong for him. Also, Kristen Stewart has been single for almost two years now, unless she’s just done a really, REALLY good job of hiding her relationships. So of course she’s going to try and take advantage of the first opening to win Rob back, even at the expense of his current girlfriend.

What do you guys think? Does Kristen Stewart actually have a shot at winning Robert Pattinson back? And is it possible that a Robsten reunion isn’t completely out of the question? Come on guys – who do they think they’re fooling? Kristen Stewart  has now tried for two years to win Robert Pattison back, and she’s failed. Trying to undermine FKA Twigs won’t do her any favors, especially as Rob is continuing to stay blinded about his new girlfriend.

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