Leonardo DiCaprio Refused To Pose With Justin Bieber At Cannes Party – Thinks Biebs Is “a Little Twit”

Leonardo DiCaprio Refused To Pose With Justin Bieber At Cannes Party - Thinks Biebs Is "a Little Twit"Leonardo DiCaprio Refused To Pose With Justin Bieber At Cannes Party - Thinks Biebs Is "a Little Twit"

Justin Bieber seemed to be on an image-fixing mission while at Cannes, if his numerous attempts at celebrity photo-ops are taken into consideration. Of course, this was before the racist videos were leaked, which means he still had a 0.0001% chance of winning over the public.

We’ve already heard about Justin’s team requesting a photo-op with Jennifer Lawrence at a Cannes party, and although Jennifer agreed to meet Justin, she wisely refused to be photographed doing so. And now, a new report from Star Magazine suggests that Leonardo DiCaprio also refused to pose with Justin.

A source tells Star Magazine that Justin tried to meet Leo at the Gotha Nightclub in Cannes, explaining, “Justin was strutting his stuff all over the club, walking around shirtless and scoping out chicks. But when he heard Leo was there, he had his bodyguard muscle a path to where Leo was sitting.”

Of course, Leo wasn’t having it. The source adds that even though Justin kept smiling and trying to squeeze his way into Leo’s VIP section, Leo ‘waved him off’ the first chance he got. Apparently, “Leo thinks Justin’s a little twit. Leo doesn’t want or need photo ops with publicity-hungry, manufactured pop stars.”

And keep in mind, Leo doesn’t discriminate about where he parties, which means that he’s often seen rubbing shoulders with reality stars and D-listers. Seriously, how low has Justin sunk that even Leo didn’t want to associate with him? Nobody wants to take a picture with Justin, and nobody wants to hang out with Justin. I can’t say I blame them, but this is what happens when you’re an entitled twat of a pop star who thinks the world rests at your feet.

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

Siyana Riley:
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