Leonardo DiCaprio Hates Matthew McConaughey – Find Out Why

No matter how much Leonardo DiCaprio loved working on The Wolf of Wall Street there was one part of the job that he couldn’t stand and that was costar Matthew McConaughey. Apparently Leo totally respects Matthew as an actor but he can’t stand his totally inflated sense of self. According to the March 24th print edition of GLOBE Magazine when Matthew was working on the set of Wolf with Leo he kind of took it upon himself to give the notorious bachelor all kinds of life advice that was neither asked for nor welcome.

Apparently Matthew thinks that his life is absolutely fabulous and thinks that everyone else could learn a thing or three from him. It pissed Leo off and caused him to purposely try to steer clear of his cast mate. You can imagine the sting when Leo lost the Best Actor Oscar to Matthew, knowing that this was the last boost that the guy’s ego really needed. I mean Matthew said he is his own hero in his acceptance speech. Clearly a sense of humility and grace aren’t exactly his best points. Leo just used Matthew’s acceptance speech as an example of why he prefers to make a bee line around the actor rather than have to suffer through another pompous lecture by him.

I think we have all heard Matthew get a bit preachy in recent years. Are you a fan or do you find his behavior to be a bit off-putting? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Cate Meighan: