Did Lil Scrappy’s Ex-Girlfriend Bambi Throw His Baby Mama Erica Dixon Under the Bus?

It unmistakably sounded like she did! The former Basketball Wives LA star decided to address her recent split from rapper boyfriend Lil Scrappy. The two weren’t together for long, less than a year really, but despite the split they appeared to be at least to be amicable. Not long after both parties confirmed their breakup that Scrappy went and posted this nice little message on his instagram page. “I thank God for the life he gave me an wish everybody n my past n present happiness an success #teamnohate.” And she was probably very appreciative of his respect afterwards.

But a girl has her pride and I for one totally saw her rebound coming a mile away. You can tell when she wanted to show she was back on her feet the momet started posting pictures of her, her friends, and one definitely gorgeous man. Bambi had moved on and we congratulated her for it. Then some started to say that she could do better than Lil Scrappy anyhow. That’s when she chose to open her mouth.

“Ima be quiet  after I say this tho… We let y’all into our lives halfway, so we can’t be mad about your opinions and assumptions. On top of all that , we’re human you know … Impulsive and immature but anyway doe … Lort knows that @reallilscrappy has been an amazing boo and friend in every way and he ain’t none of those things y’all say he is … #stillfriends #moded,”

If he’s this great then why split up? Does have anything to do with the cryptic  text gram. Because there’s something about calling women that speak up foolish that makes me thinks she’s talking about Erica Dixon. “A foolish woman keeps talking. A wise woman understands the power of her words as well as her silence.” Beautiful put although it doesn’t leave a lot of leeway. Take Speaking out of anger and saying thing you don’t mean or rarely do at the time. Like when Erica bashed Scrappy for not saving his money or kept calling him a boy in a man’s body. Those words hurt Scrappy ( we all saw it play out on TV) and yet rumor has it that these two are on their way to getting back together if they’re not already are.

Erica and her boyfriend broke up in what I think could have been seconds later after Lil Scrappy/Bambi’s expiration. Almost as if someone was making themselves available.  Now I’m not  a fan of Scrappy but if I can see that he’ll always go back to Erica then maybe someone else should start letting go of  their feelings for him. Preferably sooner than later. Bambi is sweet and all yet let’s face it; she won’t be the endgame no matter how loyally she plays her cards. Baby Mama Drama did get its name for a reason!

Don’t know about but I want to know how this all play out on the next season of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta! Nothing like added drama to spice up TV!

Kristine Francis:
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