Lupita Nyong’o Named Most Beautiful Woman By People Magazine – See Her Stunning Cover Here! (PHOTO)

Lupita Nyong'o Named Most Beautiful Woman By People Magazine - See Her Stunning Cover Here! (PHOTO)Lupita Nyong'o Named Most Beautiful Woman By People Magazine - See Her Stunning Cover Here! (PHOTO)

Lupita Nyong’o, fresh off her amazing Oscar win, graces the cover of People magazine after being honored with the title of Most Beautiful Woman. She follows a long list of gorgeous and talented stars who’ve been honored with the title and reveals to the magazine a few of her thoughts regarding beauty — what beauty means to her and how certain notions of beauty shaped/influenced her as a younger woman.

She says, “It was exciting and just a major, major compliment,” the 31-year-old says of her honor. “I was happy for all the girls who would see me on it and feel a little more seen.” Lupita was born in Mexico and raised in Kenya, and she admits that she first connected the idea of beauty to the things beings conveyed to her on the television. “Light skin and long, flowing, straight hair,” she says. “Subconsciously you start to appreciate those things more than what you possess.” She adds: “[My mother] always said I was beautiful. And I finally believed her at some point.”

When Lupita shaved her head — completely bald — she said that it was an interesting experience but that she likes daring herself. She says, “It was very strange and very cold! It was scary but I like to dare myself.”

Even though she’s no stranger to getting super fancy for awards shows and A-list parties, she admits that the compliments that make her feel most beautiful arrive when she’s comfortable and relaxed: “I have been called beautiful with not one drop of makeup on. And also before I comb my hair or put on a pretty dress. Happiness is the most important thing.”

Check out the stunning cover above and let us know what you think!

Nicholas Sanford:
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