Macklemore’s Anti-Semitic Offensive Jewish Caricature Costume With Racist Nazi Overtones – Denies He Did Anything Wrong!

Macklemore's Anti-Semitic Offensive Jewish Caricature Costume With Racist Nazi Overtones - Denies He Did Anything Wrong!

Macklemore has recently offended a boatload of his supporters and fans and, if that’s not bad enough, he’s denying that he did anything wrong! The popular rapper recently donned what he’s calling a “witch’s nose,” along with a beard and a wig, which came together in a costume that many people thought resembled an offensive Jewish stereotype. After receiving some backlash following his Seattle appearance (yep, he actually went to his show like that), he took to Twitter. And his ignorance was showing.

Macklemore said in a tweet, “A fake witches nose, wig, and beard = random costume. Not my idea of a stereotype of anybody.” Seth Rogen, who’s become quite the outspoken celebrity as of late, took to his Twitter account where he wasn’t shy in voicing his disdain for Mackle’s lil’ stunt. Seth said, “first you trick people into thinking you’re a rapper, now you trick them into thinking you’re Jewish?”

What do you make of Macklemore’s “costume,” which he clearly should’ve thought twice about before wearing it to a public show where he could potentially offend countless supporters of his music? Do you ever wonder what kind of world it’d be if celebrities truly used their noggins before acting out? Whether they like it or not, their actions never go unnoticed, and moves like these aren’t typically forgotten.

Do you think Macklemore will make an official apology — a sincere one? Or do you think he’s just going to hope everyone forgets about his costume? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.




Image via Twitter