Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Recap 10/7/14: Season 2 episode 3 “Making Friends and Influencing People”

Tonight on ABC their dynamic, action-packed one-hour drama MARVEL’S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D continues with an all new Tuesday October 7, Season 2 episode 3 called “Making Friends and Influencing People”. Tonight, a team member is caught in the middle as Coulson [Clark Gregg] and the agents try to reach a man with dangerous freezing powers before Hydra does.

On the last episode, Coulson made a desperate move to save his team as multiple enemies closed in. Meanwhile, a doctor harbored secrets that could threaten one of the agents.

On tonight’s episode, Coulson and his team race against Hydra to get to Donnie Gill — a dangerous gifted with the ability to freeze objects — while Simmons is caught in the crossfire.

Tonight’s season 2 episode 3 of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. Make sure to tune in for our live coverage of ABC’s Network’s “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” at 8:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are for this second season!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Regardless of what people might say when their alert and brave – they can always and often will later change their mind after a few hours/possibly days of brainwashing. And such is the case involving Agent 33. Right now she’s thinking that she would never join Hydra when the reality is how can she really know what she would or could do after having spent so much time in their care.

According to Ward, it isn’t so easy to resist Hydra. They have a way of getting to people. And from what he’s told Sky in their debrief – Hydra tends to come out the winner because they don’t care about methods or about what’s right. They simply get a job done no matter the expense.

Though, what remains of Shield did try to get ahead of Hydra by planting Simmons on the inside. Which just happens to be a dangerous job so apparently they can take risks. And luckily for them, dangling Simmons in front of the enemy ended up paying off. While she was spying on them for Shield – she found out that they were looking for Donnie Gill.

Simmons actually remembers Donnie from when they were at base camp together. But back then he was nothing more than a talented scientist. Since their meeting, however, he’s become so much more than the tech geek she used to know.

Donnie can now freeze people instantly.

And when his temper gets the best of him – he can kill people. Even innocents!

Hydra had been hunting him for quite some time and so when the opportunity presented itself they coerced a bar owner into giving them access to him. Yet Donnie didn’t care about the reasoning behind the bar owner’s compliance. What that man did felt like betrayal so he treated like that. Hence he killed a man that wasn’t allowed an actual choice in this battle against Hydra.

Then once he was done with the bar owner he then finished off the Hydra agent that were after him.

The trail of bodies Donnie had left in his wake had scared Hydra. So when they found out Simmons had had a personal connection with Donnie – they didn’t punish her over what was technically a security breach. They merely decided to make use of her in getting close to him. And in case she fails to help them bring him in then that’s ok too. She can’t possibly be their problem anymore if Donnie kills her like he’s been doing with pretty much everyone else they’ve sent in.

Hydra and Shield had both set out to reach Donnie at the same time. However Shield didn’t know Simmons was going to be joining Hydra on this particular mission until it was too late. So when it came time for them to make a decision – they chose to preserve Simmons’s cover. And in doing that they inadvertently also had to make a hard choice about Donnie. Bringing him in ultimately proved to be too risky. Especially after Hydra had “re-programmed” him. Shield didn’t arrive in time to stop that.

Ward had warned them about the brainwashing. Admittedly, he came clean about it after Fitz went off the deep end and tried to kill him but his intel was still good and even proved to be relevant in dealing with Donnie. Once Hydra’s victim was under their spell – it was going to be too hard to free them.

And in the meantime Donnie was simply going to kill whenever Hydra wanted him to. So Shield was left with no other choice. They had to take him out and that’s what Skye did. She removed a threat. Though pulling the trigger at a real person proved to be hard to live with. She hadn’t known it was going to be that hard.

As for Simmons, she did well on her end. Her boss even felt like her usefulness was being wasted all the way down in the laboratory so he advised his own boss to promote her. He said she had promise but if she failed to live up to the trust they placed in her – then she can be “complied” into being loyal.

So will Simmons pull off her cover or will Shield have to come extract from her increasingly hazardous situation?

Kristine Francis:
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