Kate Major and Michael Lohan are up to no good and wreaking havoc once again. However, this time, the person who got a visit from the police wasn’t Mike but Kate, who reportedly when berserk-nutso. The fight supposedly got quite nasty. Michael claimed they were in the middle of a heated argument when Kate began hitting him in the face. Naturally, Lohan called the cops. But before authorities arrived on scene, Kate was seen fleeing in her car! She didn’t get far though. She crashed into some bushes and was booked on the spot with a DUI.
Reports say that she’s still in custody and, in addition to her driving while under the influence charge, she might be written up for domestic battery as well. Will these two ever learn how to play nice and be on their best behaviors?
It’s only been a month since their last tizzy — when Kate reported that Mike fell off his rocker. She reported that she had to lock herself in a bedroom while Michael, wielding a knife, bashed on the door like a crazy man.
What do you think about Michael Lohan and Kate Major’s consistent, never ending drama? We can usually expect to hear about a scandal from them every couple of months, so I suppose the timing of this one was right on schedule.
Image credit to FameFlynet