Miley Cryus is disgusting. Anyone who will suck on the soiled undergarments of a random fan must be courting communicable diseases and that is the very definition of disgusting. Her behavior surprises no one, and at this point we’re all just waiting for her to have a full on orgy on stage in the name of feminism or whatever crock of crap she’s trying to sell the public. If Miley wants to suck herpes from random thongs thus making herself a petri dish of ‘ewwww’, she’s an adult now and can do as she pleases. However, when she tried to stick her bacteria coated tongue down Katy Perry’s throat, Katy didn’t like it and spoke up about it.
“I just walked up to her to give her like a friendly girly kiss, you know, as girls do, and then she like tried to move her head and go deeper and I pulled away,”
Perry went on to explain why she pulled away. “God knows where that tongue has been,” Katy added. “We don’t know! That tongue is so infamous!”
Of course Miley took to twitter attack Perry. She posted this literary gem to her twitter account.
“Girl if ur worried abt where tongues have been good thing ur ex boo is ur EX BOO cause we ALL know where THAT (tongue) been”
What ever happened to hashing out issues with people in person? Why is everything fodder for the twitter-verse? Other than being a walking contradiction Katy Perry seems like a nice girl. That being said she doesn’t deserve to be attacked publicly this way by a hillbilly abomination. Katy was being very adult about the situation. If a random person tried to stick their unknown tongue down your throat you’d pull away, that’s how normal humans behave. Furthermore, I honestly don’t think Perry was being snarky by saying Miley’s tongue was infamous. Miley has worked very hard to make sure her disgusting mouth appendage went down in history as the most overused prop in pop culture history. So why is she surprised that people who actually brush don’t want their mouth violated by Molly residue and random fan fluids?
Additionally, to attack Katy’s relationship with John Mayor when Liam Hemsworth ran as far and as fast as he could to get away from Miley and the constant embarrassment that surrounds her is very pot meet kettle. Katy is turning the other cheek and perhaps that’s for the best. One should never argue with a fool, because from a distance you can’t tell the difference. Maybe Katy knows that Miley is acting out and will be humiliated years from now when she looks back on her behavior. In any event I am so tired of this little girl and her try hard ways, She can say she’s not a little girl all she wants, but her behavior suggests otherwise. What do you guys think? Was Miley out of line for attacking Perry on Twitter?