Muhammed Ali’s Son Accuses His Stepmother Lonnie of Coming Between Him and The Boxing Champion’s Money

Muhammad Ali’s son is making some outrageous claims against his millionaire stepmother. Muhammad Ali Junior, 41, swears in an interview with the The Sun that he was forced to resort to food stamps just because the stepmother, Lonnie, refuses to allow him anywhere near his father (much less his father’s millions). I’m sorry but we hear many cases like this and its time people stopped listening to Disney fairytales – there are no wicked Stepmothers! What we have here is man who supposedly last saw his father back in 2009 and yet fast forward 5 years; we hear he’s struggling to make ends meet. Did he blow through his trust fund or was it his father’s decision and not Lonnie to cut him off?

As soon as he married Lonnie, that’s when the problems started. We can’t see him any more. He can’t see his own brother because of Lonnie.

If he really wanted to see his father then he would have found a way. Such as getting help from his many siblings he conveniently forgot to bring up during the interview. Unless they happened to cut him off too? That really can be the only logical conclusion seeing as we’ve seen Muhammad in the past few years with his other children and they appeared happy.  There was even that gala for the boxer’s 70th birthday. Keep Memory Alive 16th Annual “Power of Love Gala” was attended by all of Jr. siblings and Lonnie! If Jr. didn’t get an invite can only mean that no one wanted him there.

Despite all his claims like “his father would help him with his current financial situation if he were still coherent“, the important question is why does a 41 still need help from his dad? He sounds like a leech and Lonnie (if she is keeping them apart) is doing her job as Muhammad’s wife – she’s protecting him! No one deserves to be robbed blind while they’re so sick.

Kristine Francis: