Tonight on TLC My Five Wives starring Brady Williams and his larger-than-average family returns with an all new Sunday November 9, season 2 episode 4 called “Bonds of Sisterhood.” On tonight’s show, Rhonda awaits the results of her mammogram; Robyn is writing and illustrating a children’s book.
On the last episode, it was the 4th of July, and the sister wives hoped their extended families would accept the invitation to celebrate with them. Robyn’s daring double date was not what she hoped for. Rhonda made a big life decision when her youngest faces a major health scare. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.
On tonight’s episode as per the TLC synopsis, “Robyn pens a children’s book that’s inspired by her son’s bullying; the wives plan a party for Rhonda as she waits for her mammogram results; the family help Taylor raise money for a volunteer mission to Peru.”
We will be covering My Five Wives episode 4 tonight at 10 PM EST so don’t forget to come back to this site for our full and detailed recap. Make sure to refresh often to get the most recent details. While you wait for the recap, let us know how excited you are about seeing the Williams again, a progressive polygamist family.
Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates
Tonight’s episode of My Five Wives begins with Rosemary paying Rhonda a visit, Rhonda just had a follow-up mammogram but she hasn’t gotten her results yet. Rhonda says that since she isn’t working anymore, she is going to try to pursue adoption again but she is scared that no one will let her because she is a polygamist.
Brady pays Robyn a visit, and she is painting pictures of her son Tray. She is writing a children’s book about her and Brady’s son Tray and how he was bullied in school. Brady gushes about how amazing her art is, and is sure that her book will be a huge success one day.
Robyn receives a phone call for her doctor and they inform her that her test results are in and the lump in her breast is benign, so she is cancer free. She heads to Brady’s office to tell him the good news. Afterwards they have a family meeting to discuss their upcoming trip to Washington. They decide that since Brady’s mom is celebrating five years cancer free that they are going to make her a quilt. After Rhonda’s scare, all of the wives decide to go have a mammogram and make sure they are lump-free too.
Robyn sits down with her son Tray and tells him that she is working on a book about how he was bullied in school for being a polygamist. She wants his permission to make it into a book though because she doesn’t want to upset him, after some convincing he gives her permission to write his story.
Rosemary and Brady’s daughter Taylor is raising money to pay for her school trip to Peru, so she and a bunch of the kids gather in the kitchen with Rosemary to help her make food for a bake sale. They take their goodies to a local store and set up a table and after peddling cookies all day Taylor has raised $351 for her trip.
All of the wives head to their mammograms, and afterward they go out to lunch together to bond. Paulie admits that she felt really awkward because she came from a strict family that didn’t talk about personal things like their breasts. Rhonda tells all of them to let her know as soon as their results come in, they joke that they will give each other celebratory chest bumps.
Brady’s dad wrote a book and had it published, so Brady called him to ask him for advice on how Robyn should go about getting her book done. He can’t wait to help Robyn get her book finished because he knows it is going to do wonders for her self-esteem.
Robyn, Rosemary, and some of their daughters head to the crafts store to pick out fabrics for the quilt that they are making for Brady’s mom. They decide to have the children trace their hands on the fabric so they can put their handprints on the quilt.
Rhonda is determined to adopt a child, but whenever she tells them she is a polygamist they hang up on her and refuse to give her the time of day. She winds up crying on the phone and arguing with a woman that she doesn’t know anything about how she lives. She finally finds someone at an agency that is willing to send her some paper work on the process.
Taylor still needs to make $600 to go to Peru, so she and her siblings set up a car wash. The day turns out to be a bust though and she only makes $64. They call it a day and head home, Brady says that Taylor should put on a talent show and charge people to watch.
Robyn sent in a rough draft of her book to a publisher, and while she is watering the lawn she receives a phone call from the publisher. The news isn’t good though, the publisher turns her down and says they are going to pass on her book because bullying is too common of a topic and over-done. Robyn is devastated, but Brady gives her a pep talk and tells her that she can’t quit trying.
Rhonda fills Rosemary in on her chats with the adoption agencies, it’s obviously going to be a lot harder than she thought. Robyn joins them and tells them about her call from the publisher, they are proud of her taking the steps that she has and tell her that she can’t quit and has to finish the book.
Later Rhonda sits down with her kids and wants to make sure they are all on board with adoption, they seem thrilled and think that it will be fun. They all argue over how old they want the child to be, she lectures them that they would have to reach out to the new kid and make him or her feel welcome. The paperwork arrives in the mail and Rhonda fills out the adoption application and sends it back to the agency.
It’s time for Taylor’s talent show and all of the family gathers and joins her on stage, afterwards she counts up the money that she raised and she is still $300 short. Brady tells her that he will make up the difference and pay whatever else that she needs.