Nancy Motes Suicide Death Suspected by Coroner: Julia Roberts Step-Sister Claimed Years of Bullying

Nancy Motes Suicide Death Suspected by Coroner: Julia Roberts Step-Sister Claimed Years of Bullying Nancy Motes Suicide Death Suspected by Coroner: Julia Roberts Step-Sister Claimed Years of Bullying

Last summer we told you about the bitter feud between Julia Roberts and her step sister Nancy Motes. According to Motes she had suffered a lifetime of bullying my her A-list family member, mainly because of her weight. It seems that at the time Nancy’s whole sense of self was tied up in the notion that dropping the weight would make her worth Julia’s time. She underwent drastic surgery that resulted in her losing almost 100 pounds. After dealing with the hurt for years Motes finally decided to sell her story to the press and in doing so she surely killed any hope of a relationship with Julia.

Unfortunately Motes was found dead in a bathtub on Sunday in LA with pill bottles all over the place. According to the LA County Coroner’s office this is likely no accident and they released a statement on Monday saying, “Nancy Motes was found dead at a residence in the bathroom yesterday, pronounced dead by the LA Fire Department at 2:12 PM yesterday. Not sure whose residence it was. She was found in a bathtub that had water in it. We’re taking it as a suicide, not a drowning.

Obviously Motes had a host of issues going on there but we also know that she felt incredibly bullied by Julia and she’s not the first family member that Julia has treated badly. She and her brother Eric Roberts have spent many years estranged because as he battled personal issues, she didn’t want to be affiliated with his mess. Ironically, Julia took that same approach with Motes and now she is the one who deserves to own at least part of the mess this time around.

Everyone is walking on egg shells and wishing their condolences to Julia and there is an overabundance of sympathy for the actress. Has everyone forgotten that this is the same woman that claims she was bullied by Julia regularly? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Cate Meighan:
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