Nashville Recap ‘Press Announcement’: Season 3 Episode 6 “Nobody Said It Was Going to Be Easy”

Tonight on ABC Nashville starring Hayden Panettiere continues with an all new Wednesday October 29, season 3 episode 6 called, “Nobody Said It Was Going to Be Easy.” On tonight’s episode, Rayna [Connie Britton] is nominated for several CMA Awards, but she and Luke are rivals in the top category. Meanwhile, Juliette invites Avery to be involved in her life as her baby’s father; a backup singer helps Deacon; and Gunnar asks Scarlett for advice.

On the last episode, Juliette fretted over hiding her pregnancy before filming a sex scene with movie star Noah West (Derek Hough). Rayna flew her kids to meet her on tour, but learned that her increased fame now that she’s engaged to Luke was making Daphne feel entitled, while Maddie was simply miserable. Kiley (Alexa PenaVega) told Gunnar she’s leaving town, Will started making careless mistakes in his personal life, and Scarlett was inspired by a homeless man (Mykelti Williamson) she met while song writing. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode, after a health scare, Juliette decides to ask Avery if he wants to be a part of her life as the baby’s father. Then, Gunnar deals with some recent life changing news and seeks advice from Scarlett. Meanwhile, Rayna sweeps the nominations for the CMA Awards but is up against her fiancé Luke for the most prized “Entertainer of the Year” category. Her glory is abruptly interrupted when she finds out Maddie and Daphne have been misbehaving back at home. While out on tour, Deacon finds his purpose in music thanks to the help of Pam, a backup singer in Luke’s band and country music star Sara Evans guest stars as herself, performing “Put My Heart Down” with Luke. Later, Scarlett befriends an unlikely new friend.

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of ABC’s Nashville at 10:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know what you think of Nashville, so far?

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Juliette is getting medical attention and Glenn asks what’s wrong. Noah watches with concern as she’s wheeled away. Zoey calls Avery to tell her J collapsed. Gunnar rails at Kylie for not telling her about Mikah. She says her parents forbade her. She says she and Mikah slept in a car and she scraped her way by to get away from them. He’s furious that she was going to skulk away again without telling her. She says Micah doesn’t know and she has the chance for a life with the guy in Tulsa.

The doctors tell J she had a blood clot in her leg that went into her lung. He says they’re treating it, but the baby is fine. Glenn is there and tells her she scared him. Pam gets a text and says everyone is downstairs waiting on the CMA nominations. He tells her to go kiss Luke’s butt alone and says he wants off the tour and home with his daughter.

She tells him to lighten up and try to have fun. Sadie shows up to watch with Rayna and breaks a bottle of champagne. Sadie is hoping she gets her first nomination. She asks Rayna if she’s nervous and she says usually not but moreso this year since she’s on her own label. Luke tells everyone if he gets nominated in all five categories, everyone gets a big bonus. Layla shows up then.

Will sees her and smiles since the cameras are on. She says she has to be there in case he got nominated. He asks what happened since he notices her bandaged hand and she asks what happened to his face but then the broadcast starts. Sarah Evans announces new artist Will Lexington, Sadie Stone and others. Rayna gets nominated for female. Luke gets nominated for male artist. Rayna and Luke get great nominations. They are up against each other in every combined category.

Luke calls to congratulate her and she congratulates him. He got five nominations and she got six. He says he can’t wait to celebrate with her. They swap I love you’s. Amy Robach says Ruke Mania had a lot to do with their nominations. They also talk about J not getting nominated except for her co-write nomination with Avery. They also mention she was rushed to the hospital and Rayna looks concerned.

J tells Glenn she was scared last night and doesn’t care about the nominations, just the baby. She says it’s a good day. Avery shows up at her hospital room and says simply – hey. Avery asks if she’s all right and the baby. Glenn steps out for coffee to give them privacy. He says Zoey called and he drove all night to get there. He asks why she told him about the baby in a text. She says she was going to tell him at the jail. Noah walks in and Avery says she’s moved on. He says he shouldn’t have come and stalks out while J tries to explains he’s just a friend.

Gunnar shows up to Scarlett’s. She congratulates him on his best song nomination. He tells her he has a 9 1/2 year old son and says they’re leaving town. He’s freaking out. She asks if he’s talked to Zoey. He says she’s on tour and he needs her to help him. She tells him to take advantage of the time he has left and says to start being his friend.

Bucky shows up to congratulate Rayna and Sadie. She asks if he thinks she got more nominations because she’s with Luke. Sadie says it’s all over Twitter. Rayna says she worked so hard on her album and put her creativity and money in it. She worries this will endanger her credibility. Teddy calls Jeff to thank him for the party and says he liked Natasha. Jeff invites him out with him and the girls tonight.

Teddy asks Maddie to watch Daphne but she says she was going to the diner with Colt. He tells her to take her little sister along. Scarlett finds Teddy and thanks him for help with the song. She offers to wash his clothes or buy him lunch but he says he won’t take charity. He says he would take a job though and she offers to let him clean her gutters.

Pam listens to a song Deacon is working on and he says he thinks he got a chorus and may debut it tonight during his set. She asks what inspired it then tells him he can thank her later. Will goes to talk to Layla and asks about her hand. He asks if she will see a doctor but she says no. She’s boozing and tells him that’s none of his business too. She says it’s like whoever he’s screwing is none of hers.

Will sits and tells her he knows it’s been tough and says it’s their last day of shooting and asks if they can do it without drama. She says drama makes for good TV. J is surprised at how long Noah has stayed to visit. The doc comes in with test results. He tells her she has a gene mutation that makes her more likely to form blood clots. He says she has to end the tour and must stop traveling. He says she can finish the film. Noah says he wants to see where it goes with them but she says she has to figure things out with Avery. He nods.

Rayna talks to Luke about the talk about their nominations. Luke says winning will prove them wrong. He says you have to campaign to get the trophies and tells her to do the same. She asks Bucky about campaigning for the CMAs to shut the critics up and set up her label. Gunnar comes to talk to Kylie and says he wants to see Mikah. He tells her that he won’t tell him that he’s his dad. She agrees to let him hang out with him and says she’ll pick him up in the morning.

Teddy cleans the gutters while Scarlett washes his clothes. She finds a photo of him with a family. He sings as he works. She goes outside and listens to him. J calls Avery on her way out of the hospital and gets voice mail. Glenn comes up and tells her the producers aren’t happy they didn’t tell her about the pregnancy but are speeding up filming.

Press is there and Glenn says they need to make a statement but she says she’s not sure what to say yet. She asks where the backup singers stay. Teddy and Jeff are out with the ladies and Jeff talks up how well Daphne and Maddie sing. Teddy shows a video of them and the women praise them. They tell Jeff to offer them a record deal and he says he’d be happy to. Natasha says it would make him the coolest dad ever.

Maddie and Daphne hang with Colt and then the older kids want to go hang out elsewhere. Maddie says she knows somewhere else they can go but Daphne says they’re not allowed. Deacon is on stage and is going to sing his new song but the crowd calls for Luke. He marches off stage and tells Pam he doesn’t know why he’s on this tour and she tells him he’s not. She says he could care less and the crowd knows it.

Scarlett gives Teddy back his clothes and some food. She asks about the song he was singing and he says it’s old blues. She says he has a great voice and he says it’s because he’s from Memphis. She asks if he ever sang professionally and he says a little. She hands him the photo and says she didn’t want it to go through the wash. She says his family is beautiful. She asks if he sees them and he freaks out and says enough of the damned questions. He stomps away out of the yard.

Chain on Dancing with the Stars. She says she needs solo opportunities and tells him to get her the gig alone. J shows up at Zoey’s door and tells her she was pretty ballsy for taking over her set. Zoey says she was trying to help her and J says she was trying to help herself. She fires her but says she’s there for Avery.

J asks Avery if he came for her or the baby. He says he doesn’t know. She says she kept the baby because it’s his and still loves him. She says there’s only one way this will happen – either he’s with her and all in or they’re done and she does this completely on her own. Luke talks to the crowd about his nominations then calls out Sarah Evans to sing with him.

She says since he’s getting married, he needs to learn about compromise and says they need to sing one of hers. Deacon watches from the wings and actually smiles a little. Daphne comes down and sees that Maddie has a full scale party going in the house. She can’t find her house and is almost knocked down when a fight breaks out. She makes a call. Teddy is kissing Natasha and doesn’t notice his phone.

She asks if he wants to go for a swim and drops her dress and gets in the pool naked. Teddy begins to unbutton to follow her. Mikah plays loud on Gunnar’s drums and he says it’s too bad he’s leaving or he could teach him to play. Mikah tells Gunnar he never knows much about her mom’s boyfriends but Gunnar says he may be nice. Mikah says he can’t be as nice as him.

Maddie sits in her room beefing to Colt about all her life problems. She says she has no one but he says she has him. She kisses him but then cops come in and asks who lives here. Luke thanks Sarah for performing with him and he introduces her to Will. Sarah says she’s a fan. Layla is ranting drunkenly about her husband and Deacon grabs Will and tells him he has a situation.

Will tries to talk her down but she won’t be quieted. Will begs her not to do this. He tells the cameras to back off and follows her when she stalks off. Deacon tells Pam she was right about him and the tour. He says he does love music. He grabs up his guitar to play her the new song. He starts playing and everyone turns to him, Luke included. He sings to Pam. She sits down by him.

The crowd starts grooving as Pam starts singing along. A bunch of others start singing along and Luke rolls his eyes. Will pulls Layla into a private room and asks what’s wrong with her. She tries to kiss her. She shoves him away and says that’s what’s wrong – she says she knows touching her turns his stomach. He says he’s sorry about all this and says he genuinely cares about her. She says – that makes one of us and slugs back her whiskey.

Teddy and Jeff see the girls out and Teddy raves about Natasha being the full package. Jeff says you get what you pay for and Teddy asks how he could do this to him – setting him up with escorts. Teddy reminds him he’s the mayor and Jeff says she won’t sell his story to the press or call and bother him. Jeff says this is how powerful men take care of their needs discreetly. He sees he has missed calls and leaves.

Bucky tells Rayna that DWTS passed on her solo. She calls the producer Ken and he says they need what’s most promotable and that’s the two of them. She offers to drop a bonus single exclusively on DWTS and he agrees. Bucky asks her what bonus single. She says they have two months to find one. She gets a call about Maddie and the party.

Maddie tells Daphne she can’t believe she called the cops and Daphne says people were breaking things and she was scared. Teddy shows up and Maddie begs her not to tell her mom but he says he already did and she’s on the way home. Daphne runs to her dad and asks why he didn’t answer his phone. He changes the subject.

Luke comes over and tells Deacon that Maddie and Colt threw a party. Deacon says it doesn’t sound like his daughter. Luke says he’s flying home to deal with Colt and Deacon insists he take him along. Luke tells him that he looked pretty comfortable right there – he seems jealous that Deacon got some attention on his big nomination celebration night.

Deacon tells him it’s about the kids but Luke just glares at where Deacon has his hand on his arm. Teddy cleans up party mess when Luke and Deacon show up. Teddy says he sent Colt home to his mom with the cops. Deacon asks where Maddie is and Teddy says she’s in her room. Rayna is upstairs with Daphne. Deacon asks where Teddy was during the party and says he’s the parent on duty.

Teddy says he’s on tour so he can’t say anything and Deacon says he wouldn’t be on the tour if Luke wasn’t making him do it. Luke is annoyed that he said that. Rayna comes down and asks to talk to Teddy alone. Teddy says it’s not that big of a deal. Rayna says they need more supervision but she can’t quit the tour.

Maddie comes to talk to Deacon and calls him dad. She says she really messed up. She says she missed him and he says she can’t act out like this. He hugs her and kisses her cheek and Rayna comes and sends her upstairs. She tells Deacon it was nice of him to come. She and Teddy talk to Maddie about the damage she did to the house and her behavior.

Rayna says she broke her trust and has to rebuild it. Rayna tells her they’re going to get a nanny. Teddy says her most important responsibility is being a big sister and they tell her not put Daphne in a position like that again. She agrees and is very contrite. Scarlett sees that Teddy’s cart and stuff are gone. Avery shows up to Juliette’s and says he forgives her. She goes to hug him but he stops her and says he still doesn’t trust her so he can’t be in a relationship. He says he’s not taking either of her options. He says he is the baby’s father and that’s not her choice.

Rayna tells Luke about the DWTS gig and he asks if she pushed him out. He says he didn’t realize she was going to compete against him. She says they should do it without being linked. She says the Ruke stuff takes away from their individual accomplishments. Luke agrees to separate promotions but she says she’s going to win those awards. He laughs and tells her to bring it on.

Teddy calls Natasha. She asks what she can do for him. Kylie shows up to pick up Mikah and she thanks Gunnar for not saying anything. He tells her this could just be another city with another guy and tells her that Mikah needs stability. He begs her to stay and says Mikah is all the family he has left. She agrees and they hug. Zoey comes in just then (of course). She asks what’s going on when she sees Mikah there too.

Juliette comes out to make a statement. She says she’s pregnant but because of health concerns has to end the tour but will finish the movie. She says she won’t say anything more but does answer when they ask who the father is – she says it’s Avery.



Stormy Elizabeth:
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