Nashville Recap 10/8/14: Season 3 Episode 3 “I Can’t Over You to Save My Life”

Tonight on ABC Nashville starring Hayden Panettiere continues with an all new Wednesday October 8, season 3 episode 3 called, “I Can’t Over You to Save My Life.” On tonight’s episode, Rayna sets a date for her wedding. Meanwhile, Juliette strives to hide her secret, because its exposure could cost her a film role, and she meets her potential leading man; Gunnar’s first love returns; and Layla exercises the power she holds over Will.

On the last episode, after Will’s debut album bumped Rayna’s to second place, she was more determined than ever to make Highway 65 and her record a hit. In turn, she decided to pursue some new and unexpected opportunities for publicity, including a visit to “Good Morning America” where her friend Luke Bryan surprised her on stage. Layla became especially disgruntled about her fleeting career and pressured her husband Will, Edgehill Records’ new #1 artist, to help her rebuild it. Meanwhile, Juliette dealt with some life-changing news and prepared for a big audition, where she ran into some familiar competition. Then later, Maddie continued to act out while Deacon dealt with the brunt of her adolescence, and Zoey became paranoid about Gunnar’s past with Scarlett. Her suspicions were only heightened when she found them collaborating again on a new song. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode, Rayna sets a wedding date which reverberates through the lives of those she loves. Juliette struggles to manage her secret which could prevent her from getting a career-defining movie role, and she meets the leading man who would play her love interest if she got the part. Luke’s new back-up singer, Pam, makes her presence known, Gunnar gets a visit from his first love, Kiley (Alexa PenaVega), and Layla decides to wield her power over Will.

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of ABC’s Nashville at 10:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know what you think of Nashville, so far?

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Luke tells Rayna he missed her this week and goes to stroke her behind. They are having a photo shoot for a press kit. He asks her to come to LA but she says she’s covered up prepping for her tour. They ask about their celebrity name – Ruke – but Luke says he likes Layna better. The guy asks for a selfie and Rayna agrees to retweet it.

Juliette is puking her guts and calls Avery. She gets his voice mail and tells him she needs to talk to him about something that concerns both of them. She starts to say she’s pregnant and Glenn tries to roust her. She drops her vitamins and I think Glenn thinks she’s using. All this gets onto the voice mail and she tries to delete the message.

Luke and Rayna come into a meeting. Luke tells her the guy is Doug Craft – he handles all his promotions and product endorsements. Luke says they need to talk about the wedding. He says the people there know their schedules better than they do. They try to figure it out and say they can get married the week before the CMAs.

Doug says either November 1st or 2016. Luke says he can’t wait that long but Rayna says she can’t pull a wedding together that fast. Luke suggests his ranch and she nods. Deacon is packing and planning with Maddie. She says she doesn’t know why Luke is making him go and he says he doesn’t either. He asks her to spend his week off before the CMAs with him up at his cabin. She agrees.

Her cab is there and he she says – I love you Dad. He tells her – I love you too, sweet girl. They hug and she goes to catch her ride. He promises to call soon. Will is working out with Tony and complaining about dropping to number two on the charts. He says the only thing keeping him centered is training with him. He says he’ll miss him on the road and Tony says lots of stars bring their trainers are on the road.

Glenn and Emily wonder what’s up with Juliette. She’s sweaty and gray and doing a lackluster job at rehearsal. She randomly blames Zoe and staggers out of rehearsal. Rayna breaks the news of the wedding date and Maddie says it doesn’t work for her. She says she was supposed to go fishing with Deacon but can’t now because of her stupid wedding.

Maddie tells her she knows she told her father no to the marriage proposal and asks why she couldn’t just give him a chance. Rayna asks if he told her that. Maddie stomps out. Rayna comes to ask Deacon about it and he says he had to let her know that he tried. Deacon tells Rayna it’s not his job to make life easier on Rayna and she says it is his job to make is easier on their daughter.

She tells him the wedding will be November and he says that’s fast and she agrees then leaves. Gunnar is working on the song that Scarlett helped him with. Zoe asks if it’s a new song and he stops and says it sounded better last week. She offers to sing harmony but he says he’s going to let it sit for a while. He asks why she’s back earlier and says he’s glad.

She asks him to make music with her since she’s a pro. She asks him about the big party they asked their band to play at. He says he said no since she had rehearsals. They go to talk to Avery who looks like hell. Zoe sees red panties on his furniture and asks what kind of girl leaves without her panties. Gunnar says they are not going to let him be a drunk loser and tell him they have a gig tomorrow.

Scarlett goes to talk to a rep. She says people are looking for fun. She tells her to go out and live and party some then write some fun songs about it. Maddie comes in with cut off shirts and Teddy says they’re too short. He says she can’t wear them outside the house. Maddie says this is the worst year of her life – her mom’s getting married, Deacon is on the road and he treats her like a kid. She asks to go out with Talia and he agrees but says no short shorts.

Daphne and her dad ask to go but she tells them to get a life. A bunch of girls descend asking Luke for a photo. Deacon glares. Pam, the new backup singer, introduces herself and says she wore out his first album and loves the new one. She asks him to buy her a cup of coffee but he dismisses her and walks away. Juliette comes in with ice cream and hears Glenn and Emily tearing up her stuff.

They tell her that they think something is up. Glenn asks what she’s on and says she’s in the bathroom every five minutes. Emily says if the film people find out, she’s done. She says she’s not on drugs and they ask what’s up. Glenn says they’re family and she tells him they are her employees and that if she catches them going through her stuff again, they’re fired. She kicks them out of her house.

Sadie meets Luke and Jeff says he got her to sign. Deacon is supposed to be having a sound check but Luke is having a meet and greet. Pam says he’s even cuter when he’s mad and Deacon says he may be adorable now. Luke gets madder then Luke gets a call from Rayna and talks within earshot of Deacon. She tells him Deacon told Maddie about the proposal and Luke says he’s causing them problems.

She asks him to think about moving the date and says she’s more worried about everyone’s feelings but his. He gets short and hangs up. Juliette shows up for her official screen test and she’s introduced to Noah (Derek Hough) who would be playing the husband. He asks if she’s ever acted and she says no. He tells her not to be nervous and says it’s just to check and see if they have chemistry.

Will and Layla sing a duet onstage and she holds his face and looks at him so sweetly. They kiss as they song ends. They tell them cut and he tells her he has a session with his trainer. She reminds him to film the testimonials about how glad he is to be singing with her. Maddie comes down in a cute outfit and leaves with Thalia.

Daphne also has plans and Teddy is left home alone. Juliette does a great job at her screen test. She and Noah have electric chemistry. The director calls cut and everyone applauds. Noah says she crushed it and now they need to celebrate. Scarlett shows up to the band gig and says she’s there to research – Jenny told her to have fun. Zoe complains that Avery is loaded.

Maddie is with her friends at the same event. She pulls off the skirt – she’s in the short shorts underneath and someone hands her a drink. Kylie approaches Gunnar – he hasn’t seen her in 10 years. They hug and she says his Grandma Lucy would be proud and she is too. She asks about Jason and he tells her that he’s not in town. Zoe comes to collect him and Gunnar introduces them.

She says they have problems and drags him away. Avery is drinking and he says it’s his warm up method. They take the stage. Avery is drunk and says they’re playing a song to his ex – The Most Beautiful Girl in the World. They try to stop him but he insists. The crowd is enjoying it. Avery changed the lyrics to make it an ugly song.

Scarlett watches horrified as he sings about Juliette. She notices Maddie with a guy and heads over. She asks why she’s there and then checks her drink. She tosses it and tells her they’re leaving. She drags her away from her friends and says her night is about to get worse. Bucky tries to get Rayna a flight to see Luke and she says planning a wedding by committee is insane. He says she was thinking about her family and she says Luke will be her family too. He asks if they can talk over phone or Skype but she says to book a private plane.

Deacon marches to the stage and a guy says he has to cut a couple of songs because they can’t play past 11. Deacon rails at Luke for forcing him to come on tour then cutting his set. Deacon calls him a petty son of a bitch and says he told his daughter the truth and isn’t ashamed of it. Teddy goes out and a woman sits beside him at the counter. She tries to make small talk.

She gives up and turns to another guy and he sighs. Noah offers Juliette a shot and she says she’s cutting back. Then he kisses her and she pushes him away. He asks if the stories about her being a wild child are true and she says not so much anymore. He asks if she’s with someone and she says she just had a bad break up. He says him too and says his ex lied.

Layla and Will march to the stage and Jeff pulls him aside. He says if he brings his wife out there his album sales will continue to drop because women buy his albums. Jeff tells her to stick to reality TV since her music career is over and she asks Will if he’s going to let him talk to her like that. Will falls for Jeff’s patter – he’s right – his album dropped to number five – and heads out onstage without her.

Scarlett drives Maddie home and says she’s sorry for spoiling her fun but Maddie says she wasn’t having fun. Scarlett says her too and that she doesn’t fit in. Maddie agrees. Scarlett says that’s what makes her an artist and Scarlett says writing your feelings out is better than acting out. Scarlett says she won’t tell either of her daddies and asks her to call her next time. She tells her put on her other clothes that she has hidden in her bag. She asks how she knew and Scarlett says she was 15 once.

The set is over and Avery is even drunker. Zoe offers him a ride but he says he has his car. She says he’s too drunk to drive but a floozie is there and says she can give him a ride. She tells Avery that he’s pretty – like Johnny Cash and Johnny Depp had a baby. Zoe calls Gunnar over but he’s talking to Kylie. She invites him to come eat where she works and walks off.

Zoe asks if they can go and seems annoyed with him. Layla rails at Will later and says he let Jeff walk all over them. He says he’s doing everything she wants but says Jeff calls the shots when it comes to music. Will says – I may be gay, but you are insane and he stomps out. Luke is onstage when Rayna comes up on the stage side.

Sadie is there and is thrilled to see her. Jeff trash talks Rayna in front of her and they swap insults. Luke introduces Pam, the new singer. Rayna walks out onto the stage and the crowd goes wild. She says she surprised him and kisses him. She tells him she didn’t like the way the phone conversation ended. He tells the band to play their new song. That bumps Deacon’s set completely.

He stomps away off the stage side taking off his guitar angrily. Luke plays and sings the new song he wrote for Rayna. Deacon slams into his dressing room and finds Juliette there. He asks why she’s there and she says she needs to talk to him. He says her timing sucks and he has no advice for her. He says he heard she broke up with Avery and says to let it go.

She says she still loves him. He asks if there is a third party involved. He asks if she thinks he loves her. Deacon tells her to tell him everything or spare the poor bastard a world of hurt and set him free. He grabs his stuff and tells her he’s got to get out of there. He goes.

Zoe tells Gunnar she’s tired and is going to bed but he asks what’s wrong. He tells her to talk to him and she says he never talks to her about anything serious. She says she heard him working with Scarlett but won’t work him. She says she doesn’t compare to Scarlett and now there’s this Kylie girl. He says she was his first love and they’re practically family. He says with Jason gone, he doesn’t have one and she says he has her and she’ll like whoever he wants her to like as long as he’s honest.

Pam shows up to Deacon’s room and he says she must be the only woman in the world that doesn’t know he’s in love with Rayna. She says he’s with Luke and that makes him crazy, stupid or both. Rayna and Luke kiss and she says this long distance thing is for the birds. He apologizes for the phone calls and says the Deacon news rocked him. She says she found another date a month later.

She says they need to combine their tours. She says they should call it the Honeymoon Tour and says they could play together, the kids could come along, no more distance, no more drama. She pulls off his shirt and sees a new tattoo with her name on it. Will is working out and Tony comes and asks why he started without him. Will says it’s not enough – he needs something else.

Tony says he gets it and Will asks if he does then kisses him. They stagger into the locker room making out. Layla shows up to Jeff’s. She says she felt like their chat was one-sided. She says she’s not washed up and tells Jeff that he’s going to produce a new single that will go gold. He asks why he would and she says if he doesn’t she’ll out his cash cow.

Juliette sits in her car working on her speech to tell Avery that she’s pregnant with his child. She sits outside his place waiting. His truck pulls up and she sees a girl get out with him and them kissing in the yard before they head inside. She starts crying. The skank unbuttons Avery’s pants and tells him to tell her how Juliette did it. He pulls away and says he’s not feeling anything.

She says she’ll go and slams the door behind her. Avery sings the real lyrics to the song about Juliette. She sits home crying and listens to her voice mails. One is Glenn saying she killed the audition, one is Noah asking to see her and one is her doctor saying if she wants to terminate the pregnancy, time is running out.

Deacon looks at a photo of Rayna and Luke, still sweaty from his tryst. Avery finishes the song and starts crying hard. Gunnar shows up to see Kylie at work. He says he came by and asks why she up and left with no word or address. She says her parents thought he was a bad influence. She says she still has the tape he made her. It was the first love song he wrote. She asks about Jason and this time he tells her the truth – that he’s dead.

Scarlett is writing when Jenny comes in and she asks to take a look. She says the song looks sad and Jenny says she needs a song girls want to hear and Scarlett says they should want to hear this. Rayna makes a call and says she pushed the wedding so that Maddie can go fishing with Deacon. She pulls up to find Juliette sitting on her steps. She tells Rayna she didn’t know where else to go and didn’t know who else to talk to that might understand. She asks understand what and Juliette shows her the ultrasound pic.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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