Nashville Recap 11/12/14: Season 3 Episode 7 “I’m Coming Home to You”

Tonight on ABC Nashville starring Hayden Panettiere continues with an all new Wednesday November 12, season 3 episode 7 called, “I’m Coming Home to You.” On tonight’s episode, Rayna [Connie Britton] boosts her publicity by singing on “Dancing With the Stars” and having a reporter shadow her, but then she misses her privacy. Meanwhile, Juliette [Hayden Panettiere] struggles to embrace solo parenthood; and Will [Chris Carmack] and Layla prepare for the debut of their reality show.

On the last episode, after a health scare, Juliette decided to ask Avery if he wanted to be a part of her life as the baby’s father. Then, Gunnar dealt with some recent life changing news and sought advice from Scarlett. Meanwhile, Rayna sweeped the nominations for the CMA Awards but it was up against her fiancé Luke for the most prized “Entertainer of the Year” category. Her glory was abruptly interrupted when she found out Maddie and Daphne had been misbehaving back at home. While out on tour, Deacon found his purpose in music thanks to the help of Pam, a backup singer in Luke’s band and country music star Sara Evans guest starred as herself, performing “Put My Heart Down” with Luke. Later, Scarlett befriended an unlikely new friend. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the ABC synopsis, “Rayna’s campaign to raise Highway 65’s sales and profile finds her performing her latest single on “Dancing with the Stars.” But when she agrees to be shadowed by a reporter all weekend for the cover of a magazine, just as Luke hopes to rekindle the romance, she realizes she may have pushed her public access too far. Juliette struggles to prepare for motherhood alone, and Will and Layla brace themselves for the premiere of their reality show.”

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of ABC’s Nashville at 10:00 PM EST!

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Two months after the last episode, Luke is at the airport on his way home. He tells his guy to be sure to get out the souvenirs for Rayna and the kids. Deacon finds Will looking miserable and tells him to call if he needs anything. He walks over to Pam and she says he looks like hell. He says it’s just a cold. Rayna is on Dancing with the Stars and Tom Bergeron asks what’s next. She says she’s headed home to see her family and fiancee. She’s performing her bonus track Lies of the Lonely. Don’t know where that song came from since she didn’t have it before.

She sings as the dancers perform. It’s all about her being happier on her own but it being a lie because she’s just lonely. Luke watches and Jimmy says he doesn’t know how they work this long distance love. Luke says she’s taking the red eye home. Avery and Juliette are at the OB-GYN getting an update on the baby. She doesn’t want to know the gender but he does. The doctor gives them the results but J snatches it before he can look.

The doctor asks about their birthing plan. He’s interested in Lamaze and a natural birth but Juliette wants drugs. He looks at the info and then says it looks like too much. He says it looks too intimate for him and she reminds him they’ve had sex. He says all they’re having now is a baby. She tells them they can also consider water birth, Bradley and some others.

Gunnar is hanging out with Micah when Will shows up. He hammers a ball at Gunnar and he says he guesses that’s his son. Zoey says dinner is ready and asks if he’s staying. He says he doesn’t mind. Deacon is sick and Scarlett is headed out to work – all the big stars wants her writing for them. She asks who he’s been keeping company with and he tells her a little about Pam. She asks him to have her over for dinner but he says it’s for the road only.

Rayna complains to Bucky that she’s exhausted and wants to do nothing. He tells her she’s getting the cover of Rolling Stone but it has to happen this weekend. He tells her this is huge. She says she has to see the girls and Luke but he says no other country artist gets this. He tells her it’s this weekend or miss out on the cover of the Rolling Stone. She’s totally put out.

Will tells Gunnar he can’t wrap his head around him being a dad and says it’s a big life change. Gunnar says it’s only when his mom out of town that it’s a big deal and says Zoey hasn’t complained. Will says he doesn’t know much about women but knows when they’re pissed. Will asks if that’s why he’s crashing on their couch. Will says he hasn’t talked to Layla since the show wrapped and the shows premieres tomorrow night. He says he hopes it crashes and burns so they can just get a quiet divorce.

Zoey comes in and says she’s got Micah all packed up. The boy calls down for his dad to come help and Zoey is a little annoyed. Luke is making breakfast for the kids when Rayna comes in. She hugs them girls and says hi to Sage and thanks Luke. He tells her missed her. He wants to head upstairs for some alone time but she says she’s getting the Rolling Stone cover and the reporter will be there all weekend. He doesn’t like it but she says it was now or never.

He says this is their only weekend in two months and she says it will be fine. He’s mollified somewhat. Deacon fusses looking for his tissues. He’s really sick. He sees someone out front. It’s Terry. He asks if he can help and he says he was leaving something for Scarlett. It’s a bag. Deacon invites him in but he won’t. She tells Deacon he’s the homeless guy she tried to help. In the bag is a card thanking her for her kindness.

Layla is playing guitar when Will comes in. He asks how she is and she says pretty good. She tells him she’s been thinking and wants him to know she’s sorry for her behavior. He says they were both under a lot of pressure. She says she’s been working on her music to help work through things. She says she doesn’t blame him for not caring about it but he says he wants her to be as happy as she can be. She asks if he’s seeing anyone and he says no. He asks about her and she also says no that she’s been focusing on her music. She says she’s doing some new stuff at the Sutler and he says he’ll be there.

Avery comes looking for a specific crib and he’s flummoxed. She tells him to come back with his wife and he says no wife. She asks if it’s a GF. He says no. She asks BF. He says no. He just says to give him the top of the line. Emily comes in and asks J if she wants her to schedule a birthing class. J says she’s sent Rayna her new demos but hasn’t heard from her. Emily says she called Bucky and knows Rayna is in town for the weekend. She gets a text and says Rayna is at the Highway 65 offices doing an interview. J says – really.

Gunnar finds Zoey lying around and asks if she’s tired. She says no, she just has nothing to do. She says no tour, no job, no prospects. He tells her she doesn’t have to work but she says she left Natchez to avoid being a housewife. He says Kylie is picking up Micah and asks for a date night. He gets a call. It’s Kylie and she asks if he can pick Micah up from school. He says he can’t. He has to write. He asks Zoey if she can.

The reporter tells Rayna that Vegas odds makers have her as a good bet for the CMAs. He tells her he’s read everything written about her but no one has ever written about her in depth. He says they don’t so puff pieces. J shows up and tells her if she’s got time for press, she damned well better have time for her. Rayna smiles but isn’t pleased. The reporter is interested. She asks Rayna if she listened to the songs. Rayna asks about her pregnancy and says the songs are not her best work.

She tells her Don’t Put Dirt on My Grave was much better. J says she can’t write with Avery since he hates her and it makes her cry and Rayna tells her to write that. She says if she can’t write that to just take care of herself. She asks if the reporter will write her as a hormonal head case and Rayna says probably. J says that’s great. Scarlett goes looking for Terry and thanks him for the harmonica. She says she’s sorry for asking him about the picture and pushing him.

He says she pushed him back onto his feet and he got a job. She asks if she can buy his newspapers and he’ll come write with her. He’s interested. Brett Rivers, the Rolling Stone reporter, calls Deacon to talk to him. He says he doesn’t want to talk. He’s super sick and hangs up on the guy. Kylie shows up to pick up Micah and Gunnar tells Zoey he had a babysitter back up just in case. Zoey tells Gunnar that he needs to stop letting Kylie just drop Micah off when she wants to hang with her BF.

Terry and Scarlett work on a song and she says writing with him doesn’t feel like work. He tells her about the photo. He says it was from 1993. He says he had a big gig up in Chicago. He says one night he sang in front of 5,000 people and it felt good. He says his wife took the kids and hit the road. They were coming to see him for Thanksgiving. He says that’s real love. He says they died in a car wreck and she asks if that’s why he stopped playing. He says music took more than it ever gave him.

Gunnar, Will and Zoey meet to see Layla sing. Gunnar says her old music was pretty bad. The new one is a pain filled ode. Gunnar is wowed. Zoey says she didn’t know she could sing like that and Will says he didn’t either. Will steps away from the table and Zoey says something is off between them. J lets Emily feel the baby kick then she starts crying and says she feels so alone. Emily tells her she and Glenn are there for her. J says she’s been a jerk to them and she’s sorry then asks Emily to be her birthing partner. She agrees.

Will tells Layla it’s a great song. She says she hadn’t had a lot of emotional experience before she met him. She says he hurt her but it gave her a voice. He says she’s welcome and they laugh. Brett is with Rayna making wedding plans when Luke shows up. Luke isn’t happy to see him there but agrees. Brett asks if Tandy is coming and she says of course she’s coming. She asks about Teddy. She says he offered to officiate the wedding.

Luke is tasting cakes then calls to her a couple of times. He gets annoyed and slams out. Brett asks how many of the 500 people coming to the wedding she knows. She says a few. He asks when the guy is leaving and says he won’t plan their wedding without her. She asks him to be more supportive. He’s angry that they have had no time alone. He says the Rolling Stone thing was her idea and she says it wasn’t but he curses at her just as the reporter comes out to ask if they’re coming back in.Deacon eats chips and sniffles when Pam comes by with chicken soup. She says she’s not stalking him and takes the bags of chips from him and turns to go. He invites her in and she comes inside. Scarlett comes to talk to Terry and says she Googled him and says he’s amazing. She says his family wouldn’t want him to turn his back on music. She asks him to come to the Bluebird and do open mic night. She says they can sell the song they wrote. He says she can sing but she says she has a scratchy throat.

Gunnar comes to see Kylie who tells him her BF just dumped her because she told him she had a kid. She says no one wants to date a single mom. He says she and Micah should stay and he asks her to show up on time. She says she thought Brad was the one and cries and he comforts her.

Layla and Will show up to the premiere and she tells Will she feels like she’s in a costume. He asks if she feels like an actor in her own life. She nods. They get out to face the lights. J is in the studio when Avery comes by to bring the crib. He asks where they want it and slides it inside. He hears her singing and stops. He’s struck by the sad song. Turns out she wants a co-sleeper crib and he says he’ll go buy the right one. She tells him no, but he’s going.

Brett thanks them for inviting him into their home. They walk in and catch Maddie making out with Luke’s son and the reporter sees it all. Luke and Rayna sit the teens down. He says it’s no big deal they were just making out. He walks out and Luke follows. Maddie says they like each other and Rayna says it’s inappropriate. Rayna says she’s trying to protect her. She says in a couple of weeks he’s going to be her step-brother and if news leaks about this, it’s going to be bad.

Rayna says she has to go talk to the reporter to make sure he doesn’t include this in the article. Pam asks if Rayna ever lived in the house and Deacon says no. He says Rayna is everywhere – all over Nashville. Pam says she’s going to go and Deacon tells her he hasn’t met anyone like her. He tells her she helped him through a rough patch and to find his music again. She says the road isn’t real life or love and she knows that.

The show starts. Layla is horrified that people are laughing at her asking how robots make voices and not knowing how the can opener worked. At the Bluebird, Scarlett tells Terry that her friends will play backup and he asks her to sing with him. He starts to leave and she says she’ll go up with him and they can pretend they’re alone.

Emily comes to see Avery and tells him J asked her to be her Lamaze partner. He says he’ll be in the waiting room and she says she knows he’s in it just for the baby but says until it comes out, they are one and the same. He asks how J is and she says sad and scared. He says he’s scared too. Terry sings and plays the harmonica. Scarlett sings with him but is very hesitant. Their dynamic is very cool.

Rayna goes to find Brett and she asks if he’s enjoying her office space. She thanks him for his hard work and says she’s never done a piece like this because she’s very private. She says she chose to expose her life but not her children’s. She asks him to not include what he saw. He says the point of this is transparency and says what happened today is collateral damage of her and Luke’s lifestyle. She offers him Deacon’s story if he’ll exclude Maddie. He’s intrigued and agrees.

He says Deacon seems to be the hidden secret behind her success and she says he had a role in it. He asks her if Deacon didn’t relapse would they be together. Will finds Layla distraught and she says she looked like an idiot. She says they made him look like a sex symbol. He says the show is a piece of crap. Their producer comes in and Will asks what happened. She says they had to make it interesting but says they don’t really want it real. She says they have a hit on their hands and is glad they signed contracts.

Rayna comes home and tells Luke she feels like she needs to take a shower. He asks what happened and she says she had to go some places she didn’t want to in order to save their kids. He thanks her and she says she’s sorry about their weekend. She reminds him today was the original day of their wedding and they would be at their reception right now. She turns to him and they dance around slowly.

Avery shows up for Lamaze and takes J off guard. He has to straddle her and touch her below. He says they made it together and may as well welcome it together. He’s excited when he feels the kick and says he won’t miss another kick. Zoey complains that Kylie is late again and Gunnar calls her. He asks where she is and she says she can’t lose him.

She says she has taken care of Micah all these years and finally found someone who wants to take care of her. She says he’s a better father than she is a mother and says to tell Micah she loves him. Zoey asks when she’s coming and he says she’s not. They are both stunned.



Stormy Elizabeth:
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