NASHVILLE continues on ABC tonight with a whole new episode. Tonight’s episode is called, “They Don’t Make ‘Em Like My Daddy Anymore,” and on tonight’s season 2 episode 15 a major music producer wants to make Juliette a superstar Did you watch the last episode before the break? We did and we recapped it here for you!
On last episode Rayna welcomed an exonerated Lamar home from prison but Tandy was suspiciously aloof. When Rayna confronted her, Tandy unloaded her suspicions about their father. Juliette hid out at Avery’s house, avoiding the fan backlash and enjoying their new relationship. But when Deacon hired Avery to be his engineer for his upcoming recording of a live concert at the Bluebird, Juliette was home alone and not loving it. Meanwhile, Scarlett was fired up with creativity and pills.
On tonight’s episode Juliette’s new song, “Don’t Put Dirt on My Grave Just Yet,” catches the ear of a high-powered, hit-making producer, Howie V (Michael Chernus, “Orange is the New Black”). He wants to make her a superstar and brings her to Los Angeles to record, but marginalizes Glenn in the process. Meanwhile, Rayna takes charge with stoicism in the aftermath of recent events, and Scarlett feels lost and alone but finds Liam to be a receptive confidante.
Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of ABC’s Nashville at 10:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know what you think of Nashville, so far? Check out the sneak peek of tonight’s episode below!
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Rayna is at the studio listening to Scarlett with Liam standing by. She gets a call from Teddy but ignores it. He calls again. Liam asks what Rayna thinks and she tells them both it’s amazing. She says she never doubted them and heads out. Teddy calls again. She hugs Scarlett and heads out. Liam asks her if everything is okay and he says he heard her Dad was out of jail. He says he’s there if she needs him and she says helping with Scarlett is enough because she has a lot riding on it. He asks about Luke and she says they’re fine.
Juliette listens to a mix of the song she did with Avery. She’s thrilled with his mix of it. She says it’s too bad no one will hear it since her label dropped her and no one else will touch her. He tells her Ken Inman – New York Times music critic – saw it on the Opry website and wrote that her new song was brave and rebellious proves that she is an artist worthy of serious consideration and respect. He tells her the NY Times loves her. Juliette says he’s the only person in Nashville that reads the Times and he tells her to bask in the good news. She agrees to bask in him and kisses him.
Deacon can’t get a band to play with him and Megan tells him to ask Scarlett’s band. He says he needs some suckers that will play for warm beer and pizza.
Glenn comes into J’s bedroom and catches her in bed with Avery. He tells her that Howie B read the NY Times piece and is sending her jet for her. He tells her to get dressed to go to LA. She wants to bring Avery along but Glenn doesn’t. He agrees to hang back but she tells him to send him Avery’s mix of the song.
Teddy shows up at Rayna’s office to tell her that her father is dead. She’s in shock. He says he had a heart attack in his office after he accused Teddy of testifying. He says he just collapsed. Teddy says he shouted for help (he so totally did NOT). She asks if Tandy knows and he says no. Then Daphne and Maddie are there and ask what’s wrong. He tells the girls that Lamar had a weak heart and Daphne says he seemed fine earlier. Rayna seems shell shocked. Daphne asks her mom if he was stressed and Rayna seems upset (remembering chewing her dad out I’m sure).
Howie B tells Juliette that she has the whole world’s attention now that she and country music have broken up. He tells her she’s a goddess for writing that song with all that pain and anger. She thanks him and says she co-wrote it with Avery. He wants to get her in the studio on his dime and do something historic with her.
Avery, Gunnar and Zoe are jamming. They sound incredible together. Deacon shows up and listens in – he applauds them and apologizes for barging in. He says he was trying to reach Avery and Gunnar. He invites them to join him for little or no money. Avery agrees right away. Gunnar says he can play drums. Zoe offers to sing back up. Deacon says she’s in.
Tandy comes in and Rayna has to break the news to her. She says she wasn’t planning on calling Tandy and she apologizes to her sister. Rayna tells her Lamar is dead and Tandy breaks down. She says she’s started working on the funeral – something simple and private. She tells Tandy to calm down sicne she thinks he’s a murderer.
Teddy heads onstage for a press conference and tells the media that Lamar had a heart attack and died at Vanderbilt. He tells them that his family lost a loving grandfather and the city lost a great leader. He says he wouldn’t be where is today without Lamar.
Liam and Scarlett share a drink and she asks if they’ll finish the album before he has to leave. He says they have to hurry it up. He’s going to Prague and Ireland. He says his life is lonely and hard on relationships. She says he has three houses and he says he has no one at home in any of them. She asks about his music and he says he feels stuck. He says producing makes it hard to work on his own. He says he feels like he’s hiding. They order another round.
Megan finds Teddy and tells him it was a nice speech about Lamar. She’s surprised. He says he can’t let the ugliness in anymore. She says it’s healthy and mature. He thanks her for being there for him and she says she knows how hard grief is. He thanks her for coming by and she leaves.
Juliette is in a huge studio with a giant band and orchestral players. She does the song she wrote with Avery. It’s a very different mix from what she did with Avery, but very cool.
looking at his songs. She encourages him to work on his own music. He says he’s miss working with her and then goes to kiss her. She asks what he’s doing and then says it’s a bad idea. She walks away from him.
Deacon hands out the set list and tells Zoe not to be shy. The bar owner introduces the Wild Feathers. He tells Deacon he can have midnight – take it or leave it – because the other group is better. Deacon tells the group they need to go. They tell Deacon they can wait until midnight and Zoe says she won’t miss having her first gig with Deacon Claiborne so he bites back on his pride and agrees to stay and play.
Rayna tells Luke he doesn’t need to come back from Australia for the funeral since he’s on tour. Buckie comes in with a lasagne and gives her a hug. He says he knows it’s rough to lose a parent. He tells her he’s cleared her schedule so she can breathe and grieve. He asks if she’ll sing at the funeral and she qualifies that there will be no singing.
Deacon and his motley crew take the stage late. There’s still a good sized crowd there to listen. They start cheering them on.
Glenn tells J that Rayna’s father died and she says she’ll text to find out about the funeral. He tells her they can’t go back for it. Howie B tells he slipped the track to Interscope and Warner. He says she needs to move to LA so they can take over the world more easily. He says new luck, new home and new her will be great. He says she needs to strip the last but of country twang out of her voice. He says he may be able to get her on the cover of Rolling Stone. She’s tempted but still bothered.
The bar owner tells Deacon that he’s welcome back any time – next time as a headliner. Deacon sees a text from Maddie about Lamar. He calls Rayna and tells her he’s sorry and asks how she’s doing. She says it sucks. He says he can be there in an hour and she says it’s okay because she just got the girls to bed. He tells her that he wants to be at the funeral even though he and Teddy are having problems. She says she considers him family and wants him there. She insists she’s fine and rings off.
[10:47:56 PM] Rachel Rowan: Howie has a crazy glam photo shoot going for Juliette. It’s got a grave theme to match her new song. She’s in a wild white wig and a painted on mask and goth clothing. Glenn says it’s interesting and they both think it’s weird. She’s also worried that it’s too funereal considering what’s going on with Rayna. Glenn says he can get Howie to change it up. Howie tells them it’s his best work and she tells Glenn it’s okay and they’re just over thinking it. Howie tells Glenn that you make history with bold moves and sends Glenn out for coffee.
Tandy comes in with clothes and a favorite tie for Lamar. Rayna says she’d just as soon bury him in a pine box nowhere near their mother. She says that he was an awful person. Tandy tries to talk her down but Rayna isn’t having any of it.
Megan finds Scarlett and asks if she’s okay. She asks where Deacon is and she says Deacon has a gig at the Bluebird. Scarlett is upset that he didn’t tell her.
J asks Glenn where he went and he says he doesn’t belong there. He says she’s come so far but it’s time for him to step away. He says Howie B can take her all the way and that he’s dead weight to her now. He says he has her best interests at heart and always will but he needs to get out of her way so she can be a superstar. He tells her when Lamar’s funeral is in case she can get there and kisses her on the forehead and leaves. She looks distraught.
Deacon takes the stage and asks the crowd for a moment of silence for Rayna and her daughters for their loss. He then calls Zoe, Avery and Gunnar up. He says he’s been hanging out with this younger crowd and they remind him why he loves music. Scarlett watches through the window as her friends join her uncle onstage. She’s looking left out.
He has Zoe, Avery and Gunnar play their new song as the first of his set. Juliette comes in and joins him at the bar and smiles at Avery. She whispers that they’re great. He tells her not to let Avery go because he’s great. She asks how Rayna is and says she hasn’t heard back from her. Deacon tells her he’s worried. She says he probably should be.
[10:59:43 PM] Rachel Rowan: J plays the new mix for Avery. He says it’s something else. He says it’s epic and she should be happy. She says that she would be if Glenn hadn’t left her. She says she wants to talk about him onstage at the Bluebird and says he looked like he was having fun. He says playing with friends and making good music makes all the difference.
Deacon comes to see Rayna and tells her she can’t shove down her feelings. She offers him tea and he insists she talk. He says he knows how complicated her relationship was with Lamar. She tells him that she told Lamar he was dead to her right before he died. She says he was involved in her mother’s death and other horrible things she doesn’t even want to say. She says her whole family is full of liars. He tells her that maybe people were hiding truth to protect her. She isn’t buying that.
Teddy texted Megan and she shows up. He says he’s not okay and can’t put it behind him. He says he couldn’t let Lamar get away with what he did. He tells her Lamar came there to confront him and he told him it was Tandy that was the witness against him. He says that started the heart attack but that he did nothing to help Lamar and just watched him die.
Megan crawls into bed with Deacon late. He tells her they need to talk. He says he went to Rayna’s and that she’s shut down and numb and angry at her Dad. He says Maddie is a wreck and he needs to go to the memorial service. She says it’s important to be there for people in need. He reminds her she was there for him and kisses her.
At the graveside, Juliette joins the mourners. Teddy holds onto Daphne. J comes to stand beside Rayna. Rayna tells her to go on ahead to the casket to say goodbye. Rayna hangs back.
Avery tells Zoe that Erica wants to talk to her. They all chat about their performance last night. She can’t believe she got to sing at the Bluebird. Gunnar wants them to start a band and they all agree.
J gets the photos from Howie of the weird shoot. He thinks they were great. She’s not so sure.
Liam finds Scarlett asleep on the couch in the studio and asks if she’s okay. She says she’s not. She says she went home to an empty house and then went to see Deacon at Bluebird and found her ex-bestie and two ex-boyfriends together on stage. She says she came to the studio to hide out. Liam tells her he would never let her not kissing him affect their working relationship. She says she has nothing without the work and he promises he’s still in her corner. She kisses him. He says he doesn’t think they should do it. She agrees, but they keep on kissing.
Glenn comes to J’s and she tells him he can’t quit. She says he’s the only person who has ever stood by her choice to be herself. She says the photos were awful and he would never make her be someone she’s not. She says Avery’s mix of the song is what she wants – not that orchestral thing Howie wanted. She says she’s also not ready to give up on country like Howie is insisting on. They hug it out.
Rayna stares at photos of her parents while she drinks some liquor. She breaks down into tears and throws the glass. She starts breaking everything in her office. Tandy and Teddy rush in to find her on the floor in tears among busted glass. Rayna says all the lying has to stop. Tandy starts crying too. Rayna is in full freak out mode!