NeNe Leakes Dancing With the Stars Salsa Video 4/21/14 #DWTS

NeNe Leakes Dancing With the Stars Salsa Video 4/21/14 #DWTSNeNe Leakes Dancing With the Stars Salsa Video 4/21/14 #DWTS

Real Housewives Of Atlanta star  NeNe Leakes danced a Salsa, on tonight’s season 18 episode 6 of Dancing with the Stars with Tony Dovolani for the party-anthem themed music evening. We posted a nifty bio of NeNe Leakes so you can get more familiar with her.  Redfoo from LMFAO serves as a guest judge; and Derek Hough choreographs a Macy’s Stars of Dance number.  If you missed tonight’s show you can read a full and detailed recap, right here.

The show kicks-off with a spectacular opening performance followed by each couple dancing to some of the greatest party anthems of all-time.  One couple will face elimination tonight.

On last episode NeNe Leakes performed a Foxtrot dance and Bruno loved it saying, “NeNe you mean nasty girl.  It always works.  You put put and grind into the foxtrot but you never lost the style.  It suited your personality.” They scored NeNe 36/40.

NeNe Leakes and professional dancer Tony Dovolani: dancing a Salsa.  NeNe has been getting ready for her dance tonight.  She tweeted, “it’s almost time 4 our next dance – a sexy salsa! If u missed us last week, catch our dance”

Judges comments: Len: “NeNe you covered the market in fun and entertainment and you have yourself ahead to next week.  You have to work on your technique.  Well Done!”  Bruno: “One thing for sure you are one of a kind and you can turn the heat on.  Sometimes your feet where a little bit shaken.”  Carrie Ann“NeNe that looked like your most comfortable dance.  It was not as intense as last week but it was excellent.”  Redfoo“You looked like an entrepreneur because you owned that.  You were getting hot, I was getting hot.  I was about to take my things off.  That was hot!”

SCORES: Carrie Ann: 8  Redfoo: 9  Len: 8  Bruno: 8 TOTAL: 33/40 –  Vote for NeNe Leakes and professional dancer Tony Dovolani at Voting #: 1*800*868*3401.

Watch the video below and let us know what you think? Do you think NeNe Leakes did enough to avoid elimination next week?  Sound out in the comments and let us know your thoughts?

Heather DiPietro:
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