Nicki Minaj Posts Selfies On Instagram – Publicity Stunt?

Nicki Minaj Naked Shower Selfies On Instagram - Publicity Stunt? (PHOTOS)

Why do all celebrities insist on showing us their selfies? Time and time again, it seems like every other musician decides to upload selfies, especially in today’s age of constant Twitter updates, Facebook posts, and Instagram uploads. The latest celebrity to follow the naked selfie trend is Nicki Minaj, who decided to Instagram several shots of herself, naked in the bathroom.

The pictures all show Nicki Minaj with wet hair, clearly having just gotten out of a shower. The first picture shows her facing a camera, whereas the next set of shots reveal various side profiles. Some are pretty tame, but there are several where you can see a lot of side boob and most of her back. Compared to Nicki’s usual antics, this is pretty tame – and it’s actually pretty surprising that she’s letting us see her natural hair, something she’s been pretty hesitant to do in the past.

However, why these shots now? Are they a publicity stunt? Is she trying to prove that she looks the same with makeup or without makeup? Actually, she really does look better without makeup, proving that sometimes, less is more.

Really, when it comes to Instagram queens, Nicki’s probably tied with Rihanna. However, Nicki failed to caption any of her shower Instagrams, whereas Rihanna always lets us know what she’s doing and why. So until Nicki reveals the inspiration for her little selfie tour, we’ll just assume that she was overcome with the need to show the whole world what she looks like with wet hair.

Photo Credit: FameFlynet