Phaedra Parks Divorce and Custody Battle: Apollo Nida Won’t See Sons In Prison – Phaedra Fears Visits Will Scar Boys for Life

Phaedra Parks Divorce and Custody Battle: Apollo Nida Won't See Sons In Prison - Phaedra Fears Visits Will Scar Boys for LifePhaedra Parks Divorce and Custody Battle: Apollo Nida Won't See Sons In Prison - Phaedra Fears Visits Will Scar Boys for Life

I wonder what Phaedra Parks was really thinking when she first hooked up with Apollo Nida. I mean he was fresh out of prison back then and you’d think that as an attorney she would know better than to get involved. Apollo’s freedom was ultimately destined to be short-lived as on July 8th he was sentenced to nearly 8 years in the clink for a slew of federal crimes. While Apollo has recently said that he is ticked off that his wife was a no-show for his sentencing and that he doubts that the marriage will survive, Phaedra seems focused on their kids and divorce. Phaedra Parks will be filing for divorce and we can expect a major custody battle as well – one Apollo will lose!

According to the Aug. 4th print edition of In Touch magazine Phaedra is telling her sons, Ayden, 4, and Dylan, 14 months that daddy is just going away for awhile. She realizes that she will eventually have to tell them the truth because the fact is that Apollo is going to miss a real chunk of his sons’ childhoods. Phaedra also needs to decide what to do about visitation. Not only can she bring them to the jail to visit Apollo but he could actually request visitation through the court system and if granted then she would have to bring the boys to visit him.

Do you think that Phaedra will choose to take the kids to visit Apollo in prison? If she doesn’t do you think he would force it? We already know that Apollo is started to seem pretty hostile towards Phaedra. Is this situation going to get even more messy with an inevitable split? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Cate Meighan:
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