Ariana Grande Bashes Santa – Diva Is ‘Repulsed,’ Blames Christmas Icon?

Ariana Grande is reportedly ‘repulsed’ by Santa – you know, because she’s just so cool. Ariana’s annoying ‘Santa Tell Me’ single has been hitting the airwaves and assaulting the ears of anyone with a radio, but Ariana apparently hated singing about Santa.

She told the Daily Star, “I’m repulsed by Santa. My song may sound cheerful but its really quite sardonic and depressing. I’m like saying, ‘Santa what is your deal bro?’” Only Ariana Grande would call Santa ‘bro’ in a completely serious and non-ironic manner. And that’s because she has a team of yes-people surrounding her, none of whom want to tell her when she’s being an arrogant fool.

At this rate, Ariana’s diva behavior won’t be the only problem – her idiocy and completely moronic interviews will start to lower her stock value as well. No matter how talented she is – and music industry executives continue insisting that her talent is one-of-a-kind – nobody is going to work with her when she’s trashing celebrities, national icons, and being a terrible human being to everyone around her.

Plus, ‘Santa Tell Me’ is clearly geared towards the younger crowd, and that same crowd loves Santa. How are they going to feel when their idol publicly disses Santa in front of everyone? Not very happy, obviously. That’s exactly the problem – Ariana Grande is never forced to think of the repercussions of her actions or words, because she never faces the repercussions or actions. In the end, it will all come back to bite her in the ass, no doubt, but for now, continue enjoying the sound bites from hell. Ariana’s so full of herself, it’s almost astonishing.

What do you guys think about Ariana Grande’s comments about Santa? Are we over-reacting, or is she being more insufferable than usual? Is it the diva behavior speaking, or is Ariana an idiot as well? idioLet us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Yellow J:
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