Prince Harry Replaces William: Picked by Queen Elizabeth for King Due To Kate Middleton Scandals (PHOTOS)

Does anyone else get the feeling that Prince Harry is Queen Elizabeth‘s favorite grandchild? If Prince William ever got up to the shenanigans that Harry did, he would probably have been kicked out of the royal family. Part of that also has to do with Harry not being the direct heir to the throne, so he obviously has much more leniency in his lifestyle and behavior. But also, Harry’s just fun. He always come off as the type of guy that will make everyone laugh, whereas Will always seems more uptight and rigid. I mean, you can’t blame the guy, but it also makes sense that the Queen would cut Harry more slack than anyone else.

Going by that line of reasoning, you have to wonder if the Queen hasn’t thought about passing over William completely and giving the throne to Harry instead. I mean, it’s very improbable that she would go against tradition in such a drastic manner – not to mention there’s legal regulations that govern that sort of thing in monarchy. But neither Charles nor Will have proven that they’re able to stay in the spotlight without any controversy, the way that Elizabeth has all these years.

Of course, the Queen also didn’t grow up during the Internet era, so everything she did or said or wore were not uploaded mere seconds later for the whole world to psychoanalyze. Unfortunately for Prince William, he and his wife, Kate Middleton, are facing that issue right now. Kate has been mixed in a hotbed of controversy since she returned from the New Zealand tour, what with the naked bum pictures and all. The Queen might be entertaining the idea that Harry and his future bride-to-be might make better patrons of the monarchy than Will and Kate. But then she probably ran through Harry’s list of ex-girlfriends and flings, and then promptly changed her mind. Say what you will about Kate Middleton, but she is well suited to being a Duchess, barring her occasional exhibitionism. Can we say the same about the women that Harry’s dated?

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