Project Runway Under the Gunn RECAP 3/27/14: Season 1 Episode 11 “The Benefit of Fashion”

Project Runway Under the Gunn RECAP 3/27/14: Season 1 Episode 11 “The Benefit of Fashion”Project Runway Under the Gunn RECAP 3/27/14: Season 1 Episode 11 “The Benefit of Fashion”

Tonight on Lifetime Emmy Award winning Tim Gunn returns with another new episode of PROJECT RUNWAY: UNDER THE GUNN. On “The Benefit of Fashion” the designers are paired with clients who have specific fashion needs. One designer faces an unexpected twist midway through the challenge.

On the last episode the designers are placed in pairs across mentor groups.   The team of designers met with the chief merchandiser at Francesca’s. The winner got to have their design featured in the store.  At elimination Natalia was sent home. Nick encouraged her to pursue her dream. Tim told her how talented and creative she was. She was very graceful in her departure. Sei Jin Alt chose one piece from Shan and one from Oscar and that means they each won and each got a piece to be sold at Francesas.

On tonight’s episode there are only five designers left and the designers will be working with Real Women and Benefit cosmetics (my favorite cosmetic line)  Of course as usual we can expect lots of drama.

Tonight’s episode is going to be another drama packed one, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Lifetime′s Under the Gunn Season 1 Episode 11 at 9PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the new episode of Under The Gunn tonight.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

The Challenge Begins

Only five designers left! The show begins with burlesque dancers coming down the runway. Tim is there to explain the relevance as he introduces this week’s guest, who is Global Beauty Authority for Benefits Cosmetics, Annie Ford Danielson. She explained that her family members who started Benefits, her mom and aunt, were challenged by their very first customers who were burlesque dancers. She explained that Benefits has been solving women’s challenging beauty needs for years. They explain that the designers will be challenged by being assigned a woman with a beauty challenge that they need to solve in one day.

Each designer will be assigned one of the women. The first model, Brittany, is a mom who needs clothes that can allow her to keep her fast pace, while getting back into the dating scene. The second model, Dani, is very petite and explains that she is forced to buy her clothes in the children’s department. The third model, Ruzena, feels like she has a boyish cut and wants a feminine look. Norah, the fourth model is a business woman who wants a professional look with a liitle color. Lastly, Erin, the fifth model has lost weight recently, but still has curves and wants the perfect fit.

The teams are:

Oscar and Dani

Blake and Ruzena

Sam and Norah

Erin and Asha

Shan and Brittany

The designers head out with their client and begin sketching. Each designer is taking into consideration what their client wants and building their sketch using their client’s ideas and their creativity. They only have thirty minutes with their clients.

The designers head to Mood for their fabric and material. After they return, the mentors talk. Nick mentions that while it is hard to only have one designer left (if his designer goes home, so does Nick), he is happy that he can give Oscar all of his attention.

In the workroom, All the designers are working hard while Oscar comments that he is already done…6 hours before the deadline! Mentor visits begin and Mondo is first. He comes to see Sam. His critique is not good. He compares Sam’s look to a nurse would wear from the war” and says the red design he added looks like blood. Tim tells Sam that he’s never been so disappointed in his work. Mondo and Tim encourage Sam to go back to what he loves to do. He always seems to go away from his natural style and that is when he runs into trouble.

Next up is Asha. She wants to do a fitted, short dress, but Mondo thinks she should not go too short. Asha shares that her client wants a lot of competing things in the design and she’s trying to accommodate. Mondo is worried it is going to look too messy. Tim advises Asha that she needs to tell her client to trust her as the designer. Nick and Tim meet with Oscar. They are very happy with his design. Anya meets with Shan. He came up with a great idea where he can meet the client’s goal while coming up with something really unique. Blake feels like his time on the show has been quite rocky lately. Tim and Anya are not too happy with his design because it looks choppy. They encourage him to be himself and give him a bit of uplifting words.

Model Fitting

The designers greet their clients and begin their fitting. Sam doesn’t have anything to have his client try on just yet since he scrapped his first design and started over. Dani looks amazing in the dress Oscar designed. Shan’s client looks great and the design really flatters her. Erin seems a little sad that there isn’t much bling in her dress. Mondo is there to support Asha and explains why too much bling will not be a good choice. Disappointed, she says she will trust Asha

Runway Time!!

Blake is now hating the fabric he loved at Mood. Anya comes in with bad news. Brittany is allergic to something in the sequins and broke out in hives. She cannot wear Shan’s amazing design. Anya feels for him but knows that he will be able to pull something off. She gives him a quote from Nelson Mandela (on paper), “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” That is enough to inspire Shan.

The designers rush to finish up, most of them scrapping their original plan and moving in a different direction. Mondo visits Asha and notices the construction is not perfect-he reminds her to focus on construction. Anya and Shan try to come up with something new for Brittany and he has to completely construct the new dress in one hour. The vote on Oscar’s design is that it makes Dani look too old.

The Judges Comments

At the judges table tonight: Jen Rade, Zanna Robert-Rossi, Rachel Roy, and guest Annie Ford Danielson.

Sam: Client looks happy and confident. A little boring. Doesn’t have the wow factor. Seen it many times before. Too playful for the boardroom, too boring for the bar.

Asha: Client is happy and feels good. Construction is holding her back with this.

Blake: Client looks feminine and loves it. Client is more sophisticated than the fabric he chose which is too playful.

Shan: The ultimate of “quick-fix” which is what Benefit is about. Modern, wow-factor. Client feels sexy in the dress and loves it. Wish it was cut lower on the neck. Client looks fresh and strong.

Oscar: This dress is for a 45-year old. She does not look in her twenties. Client likes the classic look. Construction is perfect.


Sam and Blake are up for elimination. Blake is sent home. He is proud of himself and is happy he took the risk to be a part of this and he is very appreciative of the opportunity.

The Winner!

Shan and Asha are up for the winning position. Shan pulls it off and wins the challenge.

Caryn Doti Chavez:
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