Queen Elizabeth Appalled by Prince Charles’ Putin-Hitler Blunder: Picks Prince William and Kate Middleton For Next King and Queen?

Prince Charles really can’t stop putting his foot in his mouth, can he? At this rate, it’ll be less of a public relations embarrassment to put Prince George on the throne, mostly because George is beloved by the public and won’t go around making stupid statements comparing Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler. Of course, George doesn’t even know who Putin and Hitler are yet, but with all his seniority and status, Charles really should know better. Also, what Putin is doing in Ukraine is not even similar to what Hitler was doing with the rest of the world, and his comments show Charles’ severe lack of diplomacywhen it comes to politics and international relations.

Even if Charles genuinely believed that Putin was similar to Hitler, does he not realize that Russia is still a major world power? Do we see President Obama going around and making generalized statements insulting wold leaders like this? No matter his feelings on Putin or what’s going on in Ukraine right now, Obama’s managed to conduct all his business with aplomb and grace, something which seems to have gone right over Charles’ head.

First of all, isn’t the first thing they teach you when you come of age in the royal family public speaking and diplomacy 101? Even though the monarchy is no longer in charge of running Britain’s international affairs, that doesn’t mean that they still don’t represent the country in important ways. And unfortunately, Charles continues to bring attention to the monarchy for all the wrong reasons, and eventually, Queen Elizabeth will be under pressure to put someone else on the throne – even if there’s no way anyone’s getting on that throne before Charles. He may be a public embarrassment right now, but it would too much of a departure from tradition to even think of putting someone else on the throne (or would it?) – even if Prince William and Kate Middleton handle themselves with much more public relations savvy and intelligence.

Charles, on the other hand, is causing one gaffe after another, and he seems incapable of understanding the intricacies of global politics, something that the Queen has maneuvered with delicacy for so long. There have already been plenty of doubts over his ability to rule, but if this latest controversy is anything to go by, it’s that he can’t be trusted to go on tours without a cue card of what to say.

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