Queen Elizabeth has joined Twitter, and pigs are flying. Despite her seeming aversion to all things technology, Queen Elizabeth sent her first official tweet from the Science Museum in London earlier today. This historic tweet read, “It is a pleasure to open the Information Age exhibition today at the @ScienceMuseum and I hope people will enjoy visiting. Elizabeth R.”
We’re assuming that the sign-off at the end means that the Queen did, indeed, send this tweet herself. Unfortunately, the Queen did not open up a Twitter account in her name, nor does she plan to. She used the BritishMonarchy handle to tweet, but that is technically considered her ‘official’ Twitter. After all, Queen Elizabeth pretty much equals the British Monarchy, doesn’t she?
The British Monarchy Twitter account has only 722,000 followers, but if people find out that the Queen is tweeting regularly, that number is bound to rise drastically. And really, isn’t it about time that Queen Elizabeth gets with the times and joins social media? She could tweet at Kate Middleton to dress appropriately, and maybe even upload adorable photos of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In fact, I have a feeling the Queen would be an absolute delight on Twitter, were she given the freedom to operate it herself. But of course, she’s the Queen of England, so that’s never going to happen. The Queen isn’t fond of any form of technology in her life, and that ranges from social media all the way to hook up apps.
Perhaps this will also mark a movement in the royal family, with the rest of the Queen’s family joining Twitter or at least starting to tweet. Prince Harry has admitted in the past that he hates Twitter, but there’s a first time for everything!