Randy Couture & Karina Smirnoff Paso Doble Video Dancing With the Stars Season 19 Week 3 9/29/14 #DWTS

Randy Couture & Karina Smirnoff Paso Doble Video Dancing With the Stars Season 19 Week 3 9/29/14 #DWTSRandy Couture & Karina Smirnoff Paso Doble Video Dancing With the Stars Season 19 Week 3 9/29/14 #DWTS

Tonight on the season 19 week 3 of Dancing with the Stars actor and MMA fighter star Randy Couture & his partner Karina Smirnoff danced a Paso Doble routine to “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor.  On tonight’s episode the 11 remaining celebrities dance to songs from their favorite movies.  show kicks-off with a spectacular opening number featuring the entire cast. Did you watch tonight’s performance episode?  If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.  If you missed any of tonight’s videos we have them all for you too!

On last week’s episode Randy performed a Cha Cha Cha and Bruno loved it saying, “I think we could have a new hit action hero, plenty of satisfaction. Your energy and enthusiasm are in the right place.”  The judges scored Janel a 28/40.  If you want to see her Foxtrot from last week, you can check the video out here.

Randy Couture and professional dancer Karina Smirnoff: dancing a Paso Doble.  Randy has been getting ready for her dance and tweeted about this week dance, “Takin a break from rehearsal with V. It’s tomorrow! JAZZ! ”

Judges’ comments: Bruno “Doctor Evil is really pleased, you have such a strong individual style.” Carrie Ann: “I am so impressed with you. You are like the hip hop guy but there was no bounce in your step.” Kevin: “You murdered that brother. You don’t put a black man in a velvet suit and tell him to dance, but you did.” Julianne: “Honestly, you both do a good job together.”

SCORES: Carrie Ann: 8 Kevin: 8 Julianne: 8 Bruno: 8 TOTAL: 32/40 – Vote for Randy Couture and professional dancer Karina Smirnoff at voting #: 1*800*868*3410.

Watch the video below and let us know what you think? Do you think Randy did enough to avoid elimination next week?  Sound out in the comments and let us know your thoughts?

Heather DiPietro:
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