Ray Donovan Recap 8/17/14: Season 2 Episode 6 “Viagra”

Tonight on Showtime their new drama RAY DONOVAN continues with an all new episode called, “Viagra.” On tonight’s show Ray seeks help in taking down Cochran. Mickey hopes for a big payday.

On the last episode Ray got compromising information on Cochran, who was interrogating Mickey. Meanwhile, Abby tried to have fun with her prospective Trousdale neighbors and got closer to Jim, her cop friend; Marvin gave Bridget an earring and took her to a party; and Ray brought Conor to apologize to Alex. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode Ashley asks Ray to help a friend who beat up a waiter. Meanwhile, Ray makes contact with Volcheck to seek his help in taking down Cochran; Mickey plans a meeting with a movie executive; and Bridget argues with Ray and Abby about the earring from Marvin.

Tonight’s sixth episode of season two looks like it going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Showtimes’s Ray Donovan tonight at 10PM EST! In the meantime, enjoy a sneak peek of tonight’s episode below.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Volcheck watches his wife Megan ride his boss while Cochran’s wife Donna comes over and starts kissing him. She asks if he’s all right. He seems distracted. Megan says he fell asleep in the sun. Donna gives up on him and comes over and tells her hubby to f- her friend harder. He does and she kisses her husband while Volcheck watches turned on but still distracted.

Abby is texting with Jim making plans to get together. Bridget comes in and her mom asks about the diamond earring. She tells her she has no right to go through her room but says it’s from Marvin. She says he gave it to her because he loves her. Bridget tells her mom she’s a victim and doesn’t know anything about love. Ray comes in and Bridget says he’s the reason she’s crying.

He asks why Bridget didn’t tell him she’s seeing Marvin and Abby reminds him that he beat the crap out of Marvin. Bridget says the cops planted pot on her and it was because of him, her parents are in therapy and probably getting divorced. She says she’s going to the beach and Conor says not to leave him there with them and she tells him to grab his stuff. They go.

Abby tells Ray that Bridget is right and says that she’s a victim and so are the kids. Ray says Bridget doesn’t mean it and Abby says she does because they are f-d up. He says he’s had enough of this BS and she says she has too and takes off with a slam of the door.

Mickey is flipping through a dirty magazine when there’s a knock at his door. He tells the woman the heroin dealer moved down the hall. It’s Lena and she hands him an envelope she says is from Ray. He counts the money and complains that there’s only $300. He says that’s not enough for a week and she says it’s for two weeks. He’s angry and tells her he saved Ray and probably hers.

Shorty greets Cherry, a hooker who lives near them, and she says she hasn’t seen him a while and he tells her he can’t get it up anymore. Mickey complains to Shorty about Ray driving a Mercedes and only giving him $150 a week. Terry goes to the doctor for a check up. They talk about his tremors and his meds. He says it’s about the same as usual. Frances gives him a shot and he offers to tell her about “that night” and she declines – she doesn’t want to hear it.

Harriet tells Ray that they can’t have the house in Trousdale. She says she barely makes it look legit that he has the house in Calabasas – she just can’t clean up the cash enough. She says Ezra needs to put him on the books but Ezra doesn’t want him there. He says he wants the house and she tells him to start giving her checks with f-ing names on them.

Lena is swimming near Volcheck in the lap lanes. They go into the sauna and make out when the other person leaves. He says he has to be to work in an hour and she says she can make him late. She asks him to wait while she runs to the ladies. She steps out of the sauna. He waits.

Terry watches a documentary on the potato famine in Ireland sitting at his desk. Bunchy is there too and asks his brother why they didn’t just fish for food. Patty calls Bunchy and asks him over for dinner tonight. He tries to play it cool but accepts and then says he feels bad that he didn’t put the right stem on Cliff’s bike and fix it but she tells him Cliff is gone for the night. She says she has to go. He’s smiling as he hangs up and Terry asks him WTF for talking over his potato show. Bunchy apologizes.

Ray comes into the sauna instead of Lena but Volcheck can see her outside guarding the door. Ray says he knows about him and Cochran swinging. Volcheck says he doesn’t know what he’s talking about and tries to leaves but Lena has blocked the door. Ray says he knows he doesn’t like watching Cochran fuck his wife but he does it for work reasons.
He says he hates f-ing Donna and letting his wife screw his boss. But that’s how he got a promotion. Ray says he can help him fix it. Ray sends Avi to wire Volcheck’s house. Ashley calls Ray and says she needs his help for a friend who can pay whatever he wants. Terry pops some meds and there’s a knock at the door. He thinks it’s Pie but it’s Frances. He says he thought she didn’t want to hear what he has to say. She says she doesn’t then yanks him into a passionate kiss.

Shorty knocks on Mickey’s door and he tells him he’s jerking off but tells Shorty he can come in. He peeks and sees that Mickey is working out and calls him a f-er. He hands Mickey a joint and they light up. Shorty tells Mickey about the place he gets his prescription pot from. He says they have a Mosler Model 12 which is nothing – he says he can crack it.

Shorty says the banks don’t want to take their money because it’s still illegal under Federal law. They talk about robbing the place and Shorty says they should go in from the roof. They high five each other.

Ashley waits while Ray pulls up and valets. She brings him to meet a writer, Steve, who’s also a public speaker of some sort. He asks if Ray knows what else he does and then tells him he loves Ashley. He kisses her on the forehead then tells Ray he’s leaving his wife for her. He says there are hundreds of millions of dollars on the line. He says this is the last thing he needs and shows him a guy he has tied up in the closet.

He says the guy – Manuel – interrupted him and then he lost control. He locks Manuel back in the closet and tells Ray he owns what he did but needs him to fix it. There is a knock at the door to tell Steve five minutes til showtime. Steve tells Ray he can have anything he needs to take care of it. He leaves and Ashley tells Ray he’s amazing.

Ray catches him offstage and says he doesn’t work for him or owe him anything. Steve asks him nicely to help and Ray says it will cost him a lot. Ray says if he makes promises to the guy, he’d better be able to back them up. He asks Ray if he was young when his mother died. That takes him off guard. Steve is called onstage. He’s talking about Fight for Your Life, his motivational book.

Ray watches the crowd cheer for the guy as he holds out his arms to welcome the love. Steve tells everyone to turn off their cell phones and iPads then tells the crowd for five hours they need to turn off their past and resentments and all the things keeping us from our true, authentic selves. He says they will practice radical honesty for the next five hours. The crowd cheers. Ray walks away.

Post-coital, Frances tells Terry this was a one time thing but he says it can’t be. He says he wants to marry her and she asks how that would work. He says she can leave her husband and he’ll get down on one knee. She asks if she should forget what happened. She asks him to tell her what really happened. She asks if his brother murdered the priest and asks why he let him.

Terry says the priest raped both his brothers. Frances says she’s sorry. She says she loves him and wants to be with him but can’t condone murder. She tells him Ray scares her to death. She dresses and leaves. Ray comes to talk to Manuel. He pulls off the duct tape on his mouth and the waiter tells him he brought Steve a sandwich and he just started beating him. Ray asks where he’s from – Guatemala – and if he has family there. He does.

Bunchy tells Terry he’s nervous about his date and says he’s a sexual anorexic. He asks what if she wants him to… he stops and then Terry tells him to just do it. Terry tells him to wait there. Mickey asks Shorty if he’s really going to croak any day. Mickey tells him he should take out a life insurance policy as the beneficiary but Shorty tells him no one would write the policy.

He tells Mickey if they got married, he could have his pension after he died. They joke about it. Shorty kneels down and proposes to Mickey and they both collapse laughing. The phone rings and they look for the phone. Shorty answers sounding like a girl. It’s Debbie from Paramount and Mickey snatches the phone away. He asks what she wants.

Pie comes to talk to Bunchy and says Terry told him he’s stressed about his date. Pie says sometimes you need to get oyur confidence back. He hands him a pill and tells him it well help the weasel go pop.

Manuel tells Ray he’s going to sue Steve but Ray says he won’t. He asks what he made last year and he says 30k and sent almost all of it home. Ray asks what his dream would be if money is no object. He says he would go back to Guatemala and buy a football team. Ray tells him to get a grip. He asks for half a million and Ray haggles him to 350k.

Pie tells Terry there are two fighters there for training but Terry says he doesn’t feel like it. Pie tells him it’s depressing and says he needs to forget the woman and get to boxing He throws his clothes at him. Terry yanks his jacket on and kisses Pie then heads out. He says he’s going to Ireland.

Volcheck comes to see Cochran who tells him he looks like shit. He invites him to bring Donna over to lay Scrabble and says Megan really wants to play. Cochran says he hurt Donna’s feelings last time and says she thinks he doesn’t find her attractive. Cochran says when Donna’s not happy, he’s not happy. Volcheck apologizes and leaves.

Avi wires cameras into Volcheck’s vents and other locations while Lena watches. He tells her to watch and says he was a stripper one summer. He dances and unbuttons his shirt and she flips the screen off.

Steve asks the crowd if they want to be remembered as nice. He sees Ray waiting and calls for a 10 minute break but tells them no texting. Ray tells him it went fine and Steve asks how he knows it isn’t going to come back and f- him. Ray says he’s on a flight back to Guatemala tonight and will be on a no-fly list the next day.

Steve kneels before him and says he’s a God. He asks who to make the check out to and he tells him to him for a 100k a month from now on plus the payoff to Manuel. Steve asks what he gets for that and Ray tells him whatever he needs. Steve says he’ll have his lawyers take care of it. Ashley hands Ray a copy of Steve’s book on CD and tells him it saved her life.

Avi calls and says they have a problem. Volcheck is home and complaining about the equipment and wants it out of his house.

Terry is at the consulate trying to get permission to relocate to Ireland. He sees his twitchy hands and thinks that Terry might be trying to get onto their socialized medicine program. He says no, his wife is a nurse and the guy says they need more nurses and welcome business owners.

Mickey is at the studio and Debbie asks why Sean was interested in the proposal and Mickey says Sean was interested in him. She asks why and he gives her a rundown on his criminal past and hanging with Sully. He says you’re supposed to write about what you know and he says he knows two things – robbing banks and f-ing black chicks. She smiles and says let’s see how that goes.

Ray turns off Steve’s CD then calls Abby and leaves a message. He says he should have told her about Bridget and a lot of things. He says he’s been going nuts trying to get her the house she wants. He asks her to meet him for dinner at Sophia’s.

Terry comes into the doctor’s office yelling for Frances. He tells her they can move to Ireland and be citizens immediately. She pulls him aside and tells him she has a son. He says he’s 18 and can come see them every summer on school break. She says she has to think about it. He drops to one knee and says she’s the love of his life and asks her to come to Ireland and marry him. She’s stunned.

Ray comes to Volcheck’s where Avi says he told him the plan was off. Volcheck tells him that Cochran said no. He says Donna is mad because she knows he doesn’t want to bang her. Ray smiles and tells him that Cochran will get bored with them and move on and then he’s going to do him wrong so he’s not around to remind him. Ray tells him they’ll blur him and Megan’s faces.

He says he has to f- Cochran before he f-s him and tells Volcheck to pick up the phone and call Donna. He does. He asks her not to hang up. She asks what he want and he says if it feels like he’s been holding back it’s because she reminds him of a girl he was in love with in high school who broke his part. She says she’s sorry and Ray tells him to tell her he wants to f- her. He tells her that and she says she really wants to f- him too.

Abby is brushing her hair when Bridget comes to apologize for her behavior earlier. Abby tells her she accepts her apology.

Patty washes Bunchy’s hair and he tells her it feels really good. She towels his hair off and then kisses him. He kisses back and things get more heated. She asks how he feels and he says better than he’s felt in a long time. She goes to kiss him again but he stops her and asks for the bathroom. He kisses her again before he goes.

The hostess flirts with Ray until he says he’s meeting his wife. She gives him a good table then walks away. He looks around, surprised she’s not there. In the bathroom, Buchy checks his hair then pulls out the pills. He pops one out of the foil then swallows it down. He hears the door close – Cliff is home. Bunchy says no, no, no.

She comes in the bathroom and tells him he had to come home because he wet the bed. She starts a bath for him.

Shorty reads to Mickey about the hero always crossing the water in the beginning. Mickey says he did dump a body in Boston Harbor once and Shorty says that’s his opening. Mickey says Ray won’t hold him back. Shorty says writing is too hard and says it’s a pipe dream and they should just do the robbery. Mickey says it’s not a pipe dream, it’s as real as his cancer. Shorty leaves with feelings hurt and goes to his room.

Bunchy sits with Patty and Cliff on the sofa watching cartoons. The kid stretches out across them and puts his head on Bunchy’s lap – Bunchy is looking more and more uncomfortable,

Ray waits at the restaurant longer then calls Abby. He gets her voice mail again. He doesn’t leave a message this time. The hostess comes back over and asks if she can get him anything else (heavy on the else). He declines and she says to let her know if he changes his mind. He leaves a hudie on the table and goes.

Abby is out with Jim at a bar playing darts and drinking. She flirts heavily and steps closer to him. They kiss. He tells her she’s f-ing beautiful. They get to kissing even more.

Ray watches the live feed from the cameras at Volchecks. Harriet calls and tells her there’s a problem. She says Terry wants to sell the gym and move to Ireland. She curses at him and says her ass is on the line and he promised her the day would never come. He says he’ll take care of it. He watches the feed with head in his hands.

There’s a knock. Ashley is at the door. She smiles and asks if he’s going to invite her in. She unties her coat and drops it. She’s wearing just her bra and panties. He goes after her.

Conor asks Bridget what time it is – just past midnight. He tells her he’s 14 and she wishes him happy birthday. Poor kid – it’s his b-day and both the ‘rents are out doing other people. Classy family, right?


Stormy Elizabeth:
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