Reckless Recap 8/31/14: Season 1 Episode 9 “Damage Control”

Tonight on CBS their new suspense drama called, RECKLESS airs with another episode called, “Damage Control.” On tonight’s episode Roy tries to get Lee Anne’s lawsuit against the police thrown out of court.

On the last episode, when Roy agreed to defend his high school sweetheart against murder charges, the case threatened his family’s reputation and his position at the law firm. Meanwhile, Lee Anne tried to break things off with Terry. Did you watch the last episode? We recapped it all right here for you.

On tonight’s show Terry considers turning his back on Lee Anne when he’s asked to testify against her by Roy, who’s scrambling to get her sexual discrimination lawsuit against the police department thrown out of court.

Tonight’s episode is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBC’s Reckless tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know if you will be tuning in to Reckless tonight?

RECAP: Terry only wanted one thing from the snitch – he needed Preston to tell him how much Know was aware of and because the other man was practically incapable of stringing a mere sentence together due to injury – Terry decided to spare him and shoot himself. Not that he was suicidal at this point, but he did need a story to tell the oncoming cops and pretending to be a wounded hero sounded quite nice.

Preston and Terry for that matter were both taken to the hospital to be treated. And being a gentlemen, Roy took it upon himself to inform Jaime about Preston. He knows a little about their past history and figured she would want to be there.

However she couldn’t afford to stay there indefinitely (if that or Preston is even what she really wants). She eventually had to leave in order to represent a woman that blames a radio station for her husband’s suicide.

As the story went, the client Amber Wheelan felt pressured in partaking in part of a bluff segment on a radio show and it the experience was supposed to tell her if her husband was cheating on her – he was. Then she had a change of heart and afterwards tried to pull out during the actual segment. But she wasn’t allowed to. The producers thought it was too good of an opportunity so they hounded her husband (0n-air) and later on said husband left his wedding ring behind while he killed himself.

Now Jaime wants to represent her client to the best of her abilities though that doesn’t change the fact her opposing lawyer Dec also has a waiver (that Amber had signed willingly) and evidence on his side. In all honesty, no one could have guessed that Amber’s husband would kill himself. And it’s pretty hard on Jaime’s part to fight that precious nugget of common sense.

Meanwhile back at the hospital, Knox has been informed by Police Chief Victor Ellsworth that the investigation is officially over. Although they both are familiar with Terry artistic licenses when it comes to the truth – the Police chief simply doesn’t want to risk yet another scandal. Hence he’s going to let Terry slide on this. And if Knox doesn’t go along with it then he can be the one without a job.

So, technically, Terry is free of all charges, but sadly for Preston, he doesn’t know that. He still thought the axe was going to drop if Preston ever woke up to tell his superiors about what he’s been up to. And when give those options; of course a dirty cop like Terry was going to go after Preston before it was too late.

Funnily enough Terry only got off because of the bad press Lee Anne’s story is conjuring up. And he’s the one person in the world that quash all of that. He continues his relationship with Lee Anne after she had already claimed she was suffering harassment. So he and their sex tape can potentially discredit her.

Yet Terry didn’t want to do that. He told Roy that they weren’t involved and that was that. At least for him. Then Roy went behind Terry’s back to sue Lee Anne for lying about sexual harassment all the while she was with Terry.

Lee Anne thought her case was over with Terry testifying about her moment of madness and Jaime had gotten tired of Lee Anne withholding things from her. She had wanted to quit the case and actually did so before changing her mind. Lee Anne’s husband had come to her and practically begged her not to turn her back on Lee Anne.

So Jamie stayed on the case and she fought Roy’s counterclaim. And she was able to do that by dropping the sexual harassment part of her law suit leaving only the non-sexual part of wrongful termination still tacked on. This allowed the judge to throw out Roy’s case and kept Lee Anne’s fight alive.

Though it’s worth noting that the only reason she was able to do this is because it’s exactly what Roy wanted her to do all along. He knew if he threatened her by countering that she would drop the sexual harassment and then when he asked the judge to remove any chance of her worming the sexual harassment back in at a later date – well it just looked like he was being reasonable. Instead what he was doing was called scheming. And Jamie didn’t realize she had gotten played until it was too late.

As for Amber’s case, Jamie also found a way to make Amber’s case sustainable. This time without consequence. She had learned that the radio show does not in fact solicit its guests from off the street. Even though that’s how they allegedly found Amber. “Allegedly” because after digging a little deeper, Jamie and Vi had found a personal connection between Amber’s husband and the DJ Host Bentley Grieve.

It seems the two men had gone to college together and there was an altercation over a girl. Bentley (a typical geek) had lost his girlfriend after she left him for Wheelan (the popular guy on campus). So Jamie can prove Bentley had a grudge and Dec could prove Wheelan was already a severely depressed man. But who is accountable in a case like this?

The jurors had deliberated and they too came to the conclusion that Bentley was in the wrong for targeting someone like he did. And seeing as he lost, his company dropped Dec as their lawyer. Now, according to Dec, there aren’t going to be bonuses any time soon. Apparently, the firm has been going through a rough patch and Radio Host was supposed to have gotten them out of it.

Of course he decided to tell this to the pregnant Lindsey rather than his wife and poor Lindsey thinks it’s Dec finally warming up to the idea of leaving his wife/ staying with her to raise the baby. When the truth is he probably needed someone to vent to.

Then when Preston did wake up, Terry chose to talk to him. Terry had asked him for a second chance and Preston had come through for him. He even lied to Knox although Know knew Preston was lying. But what could he do if Preston was sticking to some made up story.

So everyone kept their mouth shut and hoped it would all blow over quickly. However there was another scandal brewing that wasn’t unable to stay hidden. Someone leaked the sex tape of Lee Anne and Terry. Lee Anne’s husband saw it and went out driving drunk.

Not only has she fully lost her credibility but Lee Anne might have also possibly lost her husband!

Kristine Francis:
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