Revenge Recap “Contact”: Season 4 Episode 8

Tonight on ABC Revenge continues with an all new Sunday November 16, season 4 episode 8 called “Contact.” On this evening’s episode, Victoria’s [Madeleine Stowe] future is uncertain as the FBI closes in. Meanwhile, a mysterious new adversary emerges.

On last week’s episode, Daniel questioned Emily about the secrets she hid. Meanwhile, things between Margaux and Louise intensified; and Emily discovered something shocking about her dad. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the ABC synopsis, “Victoria’s future hangs in the balance as the FBI closes in and a mysterious new enemy strikes.”

Tonight’s episode airs at 10 PM EST on ABC and is bound to be full of all the typical twists and turns that we have come to expect from REVENGE. We’ll be recapping it right here for you but in the meantime feel free to hit up the comments now and tell us your thoughts on season 4.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

David runs to Victoria and tells Emily to call 911 because she’s not breathing. He starts CPR. She gasps to life and he says – thank God. He snatches the phone from Emily because she hadn’t moved. He calls 911 and gives the information for rescue to come. Margaux stomps out and Daniel follows begging her to say. He says he went too far trying to keep Louise as a client.

She says that dangerous mental patient is now stalking her. She says it’s not the sex but the lies and she should never have let herself fall in love with him. She walks out and Louise asks her to come have drinks but she accuses her of locking her in the sauna. Margaux tells her she’s made an enemy of her. Louise isn’t bothered and laughs.

Jack shows up to the club where Nolan is. Nolan asks how he found him and he says he tweeted a photo. Nolan drops his cell into a tub of water. Jack demands to know if Emily killed the guy they found. Nolan says Charlotte killed the guy in self defense and Emily planted the knife. Jack says if she didn’t cover her tracks, they are all in trouble.

Nolan says Emily just needs to tell her dad the truth then all their problems will be solved. Emily watches as Victoria is loaded into the ambulance. Her dad says it’s okay that she panicked and didn’t call 911. She says Victoria deserves it. She says she suffered all these years at Victoria’s hands then asks him why he never came for he. He doesn’t answer – just gets in the ambulance with Victoria before it drives away.

Emily works out angrily on her martial arts gear while Nolan works. He tells her he’s in and says Victoria is alive but heavily sedated. He says this means she can talk to her dad without Victoria’s interference. She says her dad doesn’t want to talk to her but he says she needs to tell him what Victoria did to betray him and it will be okay.

He says this has given her a second chance to calmly win her dad back before Victoria’s black heart starts beating again. Louise shows up with a huge bunch of flowers and says she’s there for her dear friend. He says since she’s not family, she has to go. She hands over the flowers, saying they’re her favorite and goes. Her hallucinated mom is there and says she never brought her flowers. She tells LuLu she’d better hurry. She tells Louise to get pregnant – that’s how she won over her mother-in-law.

Ben tells Jack the Feds are coming in to work on the dead guy with the knife they found. The Chief introduces Agent Kate Taylor, the FBI liaison. Ben says he knows the case better than anyone but Kate Kate says Jack does since he knows the major players. The Chief hands Kate over to Jack and tells Ben to go do their regular rounds solo.

Daniel is given a note he says was left for him. He thinks it’s Margaux inviting him to take a bath. He comes in and strips and steps into the shower but no one is there. He says he can play too and steps out of his boxers. He gets into the water and Louise steps in with him while his eyes are closed. She touches him and then he sees it’s her and looks alarmed. She asks who he was expecting.

Emily comes to the hospital and says she’s there to see Victoria. He says it’s family only and then David is there and says she is family. He says they need to talk. Daniel gets angry with Louise and says he’s dropping her as a client and is going to send her back to the asylum she came from. She says she’s been nothing but good to him and he says that doesn’t excuse her actions.

She says he’s a self-involved bastard who won’t even visit his mother in the hospital. He yells at her to get out. The bartender tells Nolan he quits. He’s annoyed because he saw the news story and doesn’t think Nolan deserves what he has. Margaux is there and she says Louise Ellis has a sealed criminal record. She says she’s a violent psychopath that needs to be locked up.

Nolan says Louise seems anything but a psycho and says any enemy of hers is a friend of his. He tells her no deal and walks away smiling. Jack shows Kate the file on Vince Walsh – the guy they found dead with the knife. He says his cell was a burner and Kate says she’s ordered a trace on the knife. Jack says the guy’s DNA is all over it but she says it could have been planted.

She points to the tattoo and says she’s seen it before. She says the guy was driving the car that tried to run down David. He asks what’s next and she says – you tell me. He says they need to talk to David Clarke. She agrees. David tells Emily that Victoria is expected to make a full recovery even though she wants it otherwise. David says she shocked him because the Amanda he remembers cared about every living creature.

He says he’s not the David he once was and expects her life has hardened her too. She says Victoria is lying to him and took everything from them. He asks why she’s pretending to be someone else. She says she did it for him to punish the people who hurt him. Victoria starts to wake up and listens. Emily says – you were alive, those photos prove it. He says he didn’t take those photos and she asks who did.

Victoria unplugs one of her wires to make it seem like she’s flat lining. They call code blue and just before they start to shock her, she plugs it back in. She fakes that she just work up and calls his name. He tells her it’s okay, he’s there.

The doctor tells Victoria she’s lucky David was there to administer CPR. She wants to give her an MRI and she says as long as David can come along. But Kate is there and says she has to talk to David. She won’t tell Victoria what it’s about. He goes with Kate who tells him she’s there about Conrad’s murder and says a man’s body was discovered with the knife that had Conrad’s DNA on it.

She shows him a photo of Vince and says he was the same guy that tried to run him down. David has a flashback to Vince showing him the photos he took of the fake Amanda and her baby. Kate says she needs to bring him in for protection. He says no thanks and that he’s not leaving until Victoria is released. Emily waits outside and Jack comes over.

He tells her the FBI is looking into the murder of the guy. She says a trace on the knife will come back to the dead guy. He says he hopes she’s right because he can’t take more of this. He asks if she told her dad she’s Amanda and she says they were interrupted. Kate calls Jack to her and they talk. She tells Jack that it looks like the dead guy is their perp. He says that’s good news. She says she owes him a drink.

Louise comes into Nolan’s club and he says it looks like she needs cheering up. He says he took her advice to get what he wants and says he wanted the club. She says you can’t get everything you want and he reminds her she’s a one percenter. She says she’s happy he got what he wants and he offers to get her drink and happy.

Emily finds her dad alone in Victoria’s room. She asks about the photos, who took them and who had them. He says she stole the photos from his safety deposit box. She says she took care of protecting him from the investigation into Conrad. She says his journals were his guide for her life. She says Victoria stole her life and asks how dare he take Victoria’s word over hers.

She says she punished his enemies and cleared his name. He snaps and says he never asked her for her help. She throws down what she was holding and leaves. He picks it up and sees it’s a crumpled photo of the two of them when she was little. She goes back to the little house and sits on the porch rocking and crying. Daniel shows up and says this feels like deja vu.

She asks why he’s there and he says he was feeling guilty about not visiting his mom but only made it as far as the beach then saw her and curiosity got the best of him. He asks if she’s crying because his mom didn’t die. He asks if she went to the hospital to see her handiwork and she says karma took his mom down. He guesses she told her father and he let her down.

She says at least she had the guts to stand up to his vile mother. He says he can’t believe she’s giving up this easy after all the hell she put him through. Victoria wakes to find David watching her. He asks how she’s feeling and she says tired but better. She asks what’s wrong and he asks what she remembers about last night. She says they were on the couch and then he mentioned her earrings.

She says then Emily came in angry. He says she’s not Emily Thorne, she’s Amanda Clarke. He asks if she knew already and says he needed the truth. She says she could never find him in the girl claiming to be Amanda. She says Emily rigged the DNA when she tried to prove it. She says Emily attacked her and had her locked up. He asks why she painted her as her enemy.

Victoria says they are enemies and it can’t be undone. She says she was afraid if she told anyone that Emily was Amanda, she’d have her put away again. She says it’s the God’s truth and he tells her to get some rest. She drifts off back to sleep. Nolan asks Louise what it’s like being a Southern Kennedy and she says that’s all hogwash and her mom isn’t Jackie-O.

He asks about her brother Lyman and she shows him a poll that says Nolan is a bad guy. She says you can’t believe what you read and have to go with your gut. She goes to tinkle and Nolan sees all the crazy Photoshop images Louise made of her and Victoria together. He asks why he just can’t have a normal friend.

Emily is leaving the hospital when she sees photos in a car that disturb her. Two guys grab David up out of Victoria’s room. He fights but they tell her to stop or she’s dead. But then Emily comes in and kicks their butts and saves her dad. David presses the fire alarm and the guys race out. He sees it was Emily helping him and she says – I was never here – before security rushes in.

David asks Emily to meet him and she does. He says he didn’t deserve her help after he talked to her that way. He says a rival of Conrad’s – a guy worse than Conrad – broke him out of prison. He says the guy showed him photos of Amanda (the other one) and threatened to kill her if he didn’t do what the guy wanted. He says when he heard Amanda died, he took care of that guy and then ran off.

He says he stayed hidden until he heard his name was killed. He tells her he’s so proud of her but says he can’t be her father because it’s too dangerous. She says he has no idea what she’s capable of but he says it’s his turn to protect her. He says he loves her infinity times infinity. He walks away. Daniel is allowed into his mom’s room and she’s pleased to see him.

He says Margaux told him that she loved him. He says he wanted to say it back but he doesn’t know if he can really feel anything. He says it’s her – he says he sees what she’s doing to David now and what she’s done for years. She asks if he thinks he really knows what happened. She says his father’s business practices forced her to choose David or Daniel and she chose him. She says she’ll always choose him.

He says she always has some justification because she can’t be alone but says she is alone. He says he won’t let that happen to him and leaves. He calls Margaux and leaves a voice mail says he’s sorry and needs to see her. She looks at a headline about Louise’s brother. Nolan shows up at her office then and she asks if he reconsidered her offer. He says he’s there to counter.

He says his price for unsealing criminal records has gone up. He says since the interview, he’s got devil horns in the media. She says he must want a halo and he says that’s a start. Jack sits drinking with Kate and he says he grew up here. She says the FBI moves her around a lot and says she was hoping the case would last all summer since she likes the beach.

A scuffle breaks out at the bar with Ben and Jack swoops in. Ben asks if he’s on a date or if the FBI offered him a job. Ben says he’s been busting his hump for years and Jack shows up and gets everything. Jack chews him out and says if Ben doesn’t let this case go, he’s going to lose his badge. He tells Ben he wanted nothing to do with the case since this all ruined his life.

Emily tells Nolan what her dad said. He wants to know if she found out who Conrad’s rival is and she says no and she’s staying out of it. She says she just wants to work on chipping away at the hold Victoria has on her dad. He says he has a crazy missile that might help with that. They agree to talk in the morning and he heads upstairs. She stays down by the fire.

Emily turns off all the cameras. She goes into a room where she has a guy trussed up and duct taped. She yanks the tape off his mouth and says – let’s talk.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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