Revenge Recap and Spoilers Season 4 Episode 7 “Ambush”

Tonight on ABC Revenge continues with an all new Sunday November 9, season 4 episode 7 called “Ambush.” On this evening’s episode, Daniel [Joshua Bowman] confronts Emily [Emily VanCamp] about the secrets she kept while things heat up between Margaux and Louise.

On last week’s Revenge season 4 episode 6 Charlotte’s downward spiral takes her to a place where even Emily worries she can’t be saved as David and Nolan have a very public reunion. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s Revenge episode 7 we will offer spoilers as per the ABC synopsis, “Daniel questions Emily about the secrets she hid. Meanwhile, things between Margaux and Louise intensify; and Emily discovers something shocking about her dad.”

Tonight’s episode airs at 10 PM EST on ABC and is bound to be full of all the typical twists and turns that we have come to expect from REVENGE. We’ll be recapping it right here for you but in the meantime feel free to hit up the comments now and tell us your thoughts on season 4.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Victoria falls down as sparks fly around her. 20 hours earlier, she’s in bed with David. She wakes. Emily is in the house creeping around downstairs. She looks through her dad’s stuff while keeping an eye on the stairs. Victoria is coming down. David flips on the light and asks if she’s okay. She says she thought she heard something but it was just the wind. She tells him – let’s go back to bed. Emily was hiding in a nook under the stairs.

Later, Emily talks to Nolan who says he couldn’t sleep anyway after what David did to him. She asks him to hack into Conrad’s murder investigation records. She has a knife in a baggie she says her dad left in their secret hiding place. She says the silo is his alibi and he likely killed Conrad. Emily asks where her dad has been for 12 years if he just came back six months ago to kill Conrad. She shows him a key she found and says that may give them some answers.

Nolan says it won’t be easy to figure out what it goes to. Margaux finds Daniel up early working and he shows her headlines on newspapers. They are all about Nolan cheating her out of money. Daniel knows this isn’t the truth, but plays along. She tells him she’s playing tennis with Louise again today. He tells her there’s a storm coming and asks if he’s trying to discourage her from being friends with Louise. He says she’s unstable and Margaux says Louise is connected.

She tells him she thinks she’s harmless and leaves. Daniel is looking at photos of Emily online. Jack calls Emily and tells her about the symbol carved in the dirty cop’s garage. She asks why he was there and he says it was Ben. He asks what she’s holding back and Emily reminds him he didn’t want to know. He says he has to go but Ben snatches the phone and tries to talk to her. She’s already hung up. She looks at the photo of the symbol Jack sent her.

David is there at the station to see Jack. He says he wants to say he’s sorry for making it seem like Amanda was bereft and says he thinks he gave her a good life. Jack says he knows Nolan an apology and says he should have told him that Nolan was a great friend to Amanda no matter what David thinks. He says Amanda and Nolan really cared about each other and that’s why he officiated their wedding.

David asks who else Amanda was close to and Jack pauses. Daniel comes looking for Victoria and says Charlotte came by on her way out of town to tell him that Emily is her sister. Daniel asks if she worried he would destroy her campaign to destroy Emily in David’s eyes. He asks what her plan is once Emily comes forward. Daniel says she betrayed David and that will all come out.

Victoria asks why she cared and David tells her this won’t end well for her and he won’t be caught in the crossfire. He says he’s out. Victoria says when his ex-wife goes down, she’ll drag him down with her. He says he’ll take care of that first. David shows up at Emily’s doorstep. He introduces himself. She’s stunned that her dad is right there in front of her.

He says he’s been trying to learn about Amanda and she asks why come to her. He says she’s Carl’s godmother and that Jack said they were best friends. She said she would have done anything for Amanda no matter what other people have told him. He says Amanda talked about him often and loved him very much. He says he thought about her every day in the silo.

He says being free is like a miracle. She asks if he has any specific questions for her and he says Victoria told him Amanda was lost. She says Victoria is not a credible witness. She says Victoria hosted a baby shower for Amanda and she says it went bad. She says there was shouting and then Amanda was on the ground in a pool of blood. He asks if Victoria hurt Amanda and she says that’s what happened.

He thanks her for speaking with him and he leaves. After he leaves, Emily breaks down sobbing. She comes to tell Nolan that he didn’t know her at all. He says this is not the David Clarke they knew. She asks who he is and says he lied to her face. He says he found the key was from a safety deposit box and has the master key he made from a 3D printer as well.

Nolan tells her not to go out front. There’s a news van and a helicopter. He says he thought he was safe at her guest house, but that’s not so. He says he needs a new bat cave. Victoria is shocked when David tells her he went to see Emily. He asks if she knew they were friends. He says he should not have taken everything out on Nolan. He asks why she didn’t help Amanda when she had money.

She says when Amanda came to the Hamptons, she was there for her. He asks what the fight at the shower was about and she says she wanted to read his journals. He asks about the fall and she says it was an accident. He asks who else was at the shower so he can talk to them and she says if he goes down that road, it’s just going to depress him.

Louise and Margaux hit the sauna after tennis and she tells Margaux one of her cousins really liked her. Margaux admits that things with Daniel are nice, but she says time will tell. Louise asks about Victoria and if she could see her as an interloper. Margaux tells her that Victoria have a bond because she loved her father before he died. Louise says that all sounds perfect.

She tells Margaux she has an appointment and leaves. Margaux lays back to enjoy the sauna. Her mother is there and asks if she’s going to let her in. She tells her she raised a winner. She tells her she does not have the face to pull off an up-do and she pulls her hair down. Her mom tells her that Margaux is everything she’s not and it’s no wonder the Graysons prefer her. She says it’s best she gives up.

Louise slips the hairpin into the lock on the sauna door and then cranks up the temperature. Steam pours out of the wall and she asks her mom how that is. Of course the woman isn’t there since she was a hallucination drawn from the mind of the lunatic. She calls out to her mom – asking her if she’s happy. Margaux begins to cough and notices she’s surrounded by steam.

She goes for the door and pushes. It doesn’t open. She bangs on the door and calls for help. She jerks back and forth on the handle. She’s coughing and screaming. She grabs a towel rack off the wall and uses it to bash open the door. She collapses through the glass and onto the floor. The attendants rush to her and shout out for someone to call a doctor.

Victoria talks to the woman who bought most of her possessions at auction. Victoria looks around and asks about a horse sculpture. She points it out and Victoria compliments the food and asks for some more lemon curd. She leaves to get more and Victoria goes to the sculpture and pulls off the base. She takes something from inside – a necklace. She smiles and puts the art back together.

Margaux chews the spa owner out for what happened. He says they never lock the doors and she says it’s gross negligence. Nolan shows up and asks if she’s had a bad day. She said she had no idea what David was up to and he said karma found her fast and it’s a bitch. She demands an explanation and he says the locks aren’t active and you’d have to have a pin to re-engage it.

Nolan is working out of the beach club and says no TV and no press makes it good. He talks to Emily and they go over the plan to get into the safety deposit box area. He tells her when he cuts the power, she’ll have seven minutes. He says her ass better be on the fourth floor by 4:30 and wishes her luck. She goes to the elevator and gets on but Daniel is there and is also going to the fourth floor.

She asks what he wants and he pushes the stop button. She says she doesn’t have time for this. He tells her he’s going to tell everyone her little secret and calls her Amanda. She asks who told him and he says their shared little sister. She says she’s not explaining anything to him and asks what he wants. He says her nuclear war with his mom is getting out of hand.

He says one call to Margaux is over and she threatens to break him in half. She asks what he wants and he says when this crap with her dad blows up, he doesn’t want anything to land on him. She agrees and says it never crossed her mind to bring him in. She restarts the elevator and then it crashes to a halt. She checks her watch. It’s 4:30 and she’s not where she’s supposed to be. She starts the seven minute timer.

Ben asks how things are going with Emily and mocks his efforts to uncomplicate things with her. Jack and Ben are knocking on an apartment door and they smell morbid stink from the hall. They kick in the door and find the guy Charlotte killed, but of course don’t know that. Jack calls it in and Ben looks at all the articles clipped out about the Grayson and the crash.

They see a knife and Ben says it’s the same type of knife that killed Conrad. In the elevator, Emily is pacing. Daniel asks if she’s claustrophobic. She says she’s not and tries to get out of the ceiling panel. He asks her why she chose him as her way in to the Graysons and she says he was expedient. He tells her she told him so many lies. Her name, her fake pregnancy and then a thousand little lines.

He asks if any of it was real and she says nothing comes to mind. He asks about when he proposed to her and she just looks at him. He says she dismantled his life and she says he did that for himself. She says any chance they had for something real ended when he aligned himself with his father. She puts a foot on his shoulder and boosts herself to the top of the elevator.

He gets a call from Margaux who tells him Louise tried to kill her. He’s shocked. David shows up to a strip joint and asks for Crystal. She was a friend of Amanda’s and he asks if she was at the baby shower. He asks about the argument with Victoria. She says it was just a misunderstanding and says Amanda just slipped. She tells him Victoria always looked out for Amanda and would stop by to offer her money.

She says Amanda refused to see her. He thanks her and says she was really helpful. He leaves. Crystal was clearly fibbing when she told him how much Victoria cared about his daughter. Victoria is in a back room and Crystal comes to report that he bought every word. Victoria tells her – good girl – and tucks the necklace into her garter. It’s the one she took from the statue.

Amanda gets to the safety deposit box room with less than a minute to spare. She pulls the drawer. There is lots of cash in it, a gun and a flash drive. She pockets the flash drive, shoves the box back into its holding place and walks out just as the power flips back on. She made it. Daniel calls Louise and asks her about Margaux getting locked in the steam room. He asks how it could have happened.

She asks if he thinks she did something and asks how she could have. She says he can’t think she was jealous and he reminds her they did sleep together. He says he’s with Margaux and she tells him he’s being irrational and reminds him he was with Margaux when they slept together. He says it was a one time thing and they have to keep it between them.

She hangs up on him and plays with her tablet where she’s photoshopping pics of Victoria. Nolan comes to the bar for a drink and Louise strikes up a conversation. She tells him not to worry his pretty highlighted head and says the news cycle will give up on him soon. She asks if he wants to come out on her yacht and he says there is a storm coming. She says they can take her private jet to the Bahamas.

He says he has his own jet. She tells him to buck up because he can have something most of these other people can’t. He asks what and she tells him – anything you want. She smiles and walks off. Jack talks Ben down from his huge enthusiasm over finding the knife. Jack says it’s a lead, but may not pan out. He tells him he’ll meet him for drinks in a minute.

Jack calls Emily and tells her they found evidence that a dead junkie may have killed Conrad. He says the timing is suspicious and tells her they need to talk. Emily is at her laptop and pops the flash drive in. She clicks the file open and sees there are photos of Amanda (fake Amanda). She wonders if her dad was alive and taking these photos.

There are also photos of Victoria on the beach. Emily starts to cry. Nolan is told the beach club is closing and that he has to leave. He says the weather is taking down power lines so he’s closing early. Nolan asks how much he’d like to sell the club for and the owner asks if he’s for real. Nolan says this is the most at peace he’s felt in the last two days.

He says he knows he was trying to sell last year. He offers the guy a million over ask and he agrees. He tells Nolan to stay as long as he likes and lock up or not after he leaves since it’s his place now. Nolan’s phone chimes with a new social media alter and he drops it in a vase of water. He kicks back to enjoy his drink.

David shows up and Victoria asks where he’s been. He says he went to talk to someone who worked with Amanda. He asks why she never told him that she tried to help Amanda. She says she wouldn’t let her help, so it failed. He says her trying was what mattered in the end. He says he’s sorry he ever doubted her loyalty and pulls her into an embrace.

Emily thinks back to her dad carving their special infinity symbol into the porch of their beach house. Daniel fixes Margaux a drink and tells her Louise denied it all. She asks if he dropped Louise as a client and he says he didn’t because he’s worried it could provoke her to come after her again. She asks what leverage Louise has over him.

Margaux looks at him and says he slept with her. He asks why he would do that and she throws her drink in his face then leaves. Victoria and David have a glass of wine and he asks if she’s wearing the earrings her got her. She says she kept them all these years. He says he thought she lost everything but she says she knew she would wear them for him again.

Emily bursts into the house and tells Victoria to get out. She slaps the key to the safety deposit box down and David looks at it and tells Victoria to go. She gets her coat and walks out. Emily rants at him and throws down prints of the photos he took. She says if he had come for her she would have known. She says – you could have come for me but you didn’t. She says you told me to be strong, but you were a coward.

He reaches for her and sees their symbol tattooed on her wrist. He says – it’s you, Amanda. Then they hear a junction box blow, hit by lightning and Victoria goes down outside by her car as the lights in the house flicker off. He runs outside and Emily follows. They see Victoria unconscious. Emily glares at her dad as he helps the woman who destroyed him.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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